Page 25 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 25

There’s a certain charm about the era when the grown-ups went dancing and the children waited for them at home
         by the glow of multi-coloured lights, would        can gently pick out and inhale the faint
         sail by, singing at the top of their voices,       fragrance, while the world around me
         waving and cheering.                               changes so rapidly.
          And music! The must have of teenage                Rilke says, “There is a garden in every
         life, a kind of a safe high. The trusted tape      childhood, an enchanted place where colours
         recorder would play all our favorites -            are brighter, the air softer and the morning
         Engelbert Humperdinck, Nancy Sinatra,              more fragrant.” Our home and childhood
         The Carpenters, The Doors, Kishore Kumar           years had endless possibilities of joy, of
         and songs from Rajesh Khanna’s films. But          genuine laughter and unapologetic fun. It
         the highlight was the humble radio. On             was a time to gather golden moments, songs
         Sundays and holidays radio stations would          and stories. Little did I realise then that
         air requests – songs dedicated to friends.         time would fly on wings of lightning speed.
         We would wait with palpable excitement             Before I knew, I was a wife, a mother and
         and anticipation to hear our names being           a grandmother. Everyday life drags me by
         called out. These oddball, unexpected little       the hand, reminding me of my duties and
         moments have stayed with me - bits and             obligations – but in brief moments of time
         pieces of memory, like flowers pressed             travel, I am transported to that magical land
         between the pages of an old book that I            of childhood.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #19 | JANUARY 2021                                                            25
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