Page 18 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 18

idea I want to convey, not the most obscure         We know who you are. The visa-seeker
         or rodomontade ones!”                              old couple who can’t understand why he
         Tip: You really should have your dictionary        can visit the US but she can’t. The fragile
         handy when you plan on reading, speaking           grandma for whom there is no place except
         with or listening to Tharoor.                      in an anodyne nursing home. The morning
                                                            walker who gets twitchy seeing the trash
         50. The Unknown Indian                             strewn around but fears to confront young
                              You know who you              litterers.
                              are. The patient               You are The Unknown Indian, yet you are
                              who discovers he is           someone we know and respect. You may not
                              Covid-positive with           be famous in the conventional sense of the
                              co-morbidities. The           word, but thanks to social media, what you
                              parent who worries and        say can be heard around the globe. You want
         wonders if her children and grandchildren          a better world for everyone – your family, the
         will get to see her next vacation. The             plants and animals you care about, for the
         pensioner whose funds are running low.             planet. We hope your dreams come true –
         The social activist who would love to change       you’re never too old to give up your dreams!
         the world if only he could overcome his
         tiredness. The retired nurse who can’t afford
         a hip replacement.                                 Written and Edited by Team Seniors Today

                                             “Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you
                                             want to give, but cannot. All the unspent love gathers up
                                             in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and
                                             in the hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no
                                             place to go.” – Jamie Anderson

                                             Psychologists believe writing about grief can reduce pain.
                                             Research has found that putting down one’s thoughts about
                Share                        worries and concerns can help those looking for ways to
                                             cope with their grief.

                  Your                       While writing requires motivation, energy and dedication,

                                             it’s easy, less stressful and all one needs is a pen, paper,
                 Grief                       computer or your device keypad. You don’t have to talk to
                                             anyone about it.

                                             At Seniors Today, we are happy to provide you a forum to
                                             publish your personal accounts. Simply mail them to us
                                             at with Share Your Grief in the
                                             subject. Please also include your name and contact number
                                             so that we may contact you in case we wish to make any
                                             clarification. While we would like you to write the first per-
                                             son account with your name, we will – needless to say – not
                                             disclose your information if you wouldn’t like us to.

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