Page 29 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 29

preparing the case for the Battle of Imphal        ‘Start of Imphal Siege’ at Kangla Tongbi
         and Kohima, notes that Imphal- Kohima              on 7th April, where the Japanese forces
         was one of the four turning-point battles          planned to capture the large supply
         of the Second World War; the Battles at            depot. A handful of non-combatants of
         Stalingrad, El Alamein, and in the Pacific         mostly Ordnance soldiers belonging to
         between the US and Japanese navies were            the Advance Ordnance Depot led by Maj
         the other three. The Victoria Cross (VC),          Boyd repulsed a series of attacks of the
         the highest British military decoration for        Japanese forces before troops from the
         bravery, was awarded to five personnel             erstwhile 14 Punjab and 9 Jat Regiments
         during the Battle of Imphal and two                could arrive. This epic stand enabled
         during the Battle of Kohima.                       the Allies sufficient time in moving
                                                            back 4000 tons of war-like stores. The
         Events during the Commemorations                   Depot was selected to accompany the
         Battle of Sangshak: The commemoration              British Commonwealth Occupation Force
         of the prominent battles started with              to Japan after the war. Today Kangla
         the ‘Battle of Sangshak’ on 26th March,            Tongbi War Memorial is a revered shrine
         where troops from 152 Para Bn with                 visited by all. A tradition still followed
         4/5 Maratha held the garrison against a            by all young AOC officers is that upon
         strong Japanese force. While 152 Para Bn           commissioning they first visit the
         later fell back to the Imphal plains, 4/5          memorial at Kangla Tongbi.
         Maratha (now 4 Maratha LI) was ordered             Battle of Nungsigum: The ‘Battle of
         to hold the defences around Sangshak.              Nungsigum’ was commemorated on April
         The delay imposed by the battalion on the          13, where Jemadar Abdul Hafiz of 9 Jat
         advance of the Japanese Army enabled the           Regiment had won the first VC on Indian
         Allies to land forces by air at Imphal and         soil at Runaway Hill on 6th April 1944.
         reinforce Kohima by land, thereby saving           This 1000-feet massif located North East
         the fall of these two important locations.         of Imphal town which dominated several
         The first battle fought on Indian soil from        road junctions and the vital Koirenge
         March 21-26, 1944, it was a prelude to the         airstrip, was recaptured by the Allies
         famous battles of Kohima and Imphal.               on April 13 after its fall to the Japanese
         Start of Imphal Seige: The next was the            forces.
                                                            INA Day: On April 14, the INA day was
                                                            commemorated at Moirang, 45 kms from
                                                            Imphal. Col Shaukat Ali Malik of INA
                                                            had hoisted the Indian tricolour for the
                                                            first time in India at Moirang on 14th
                                                            April 1944, where the INA Memorial
                                                            and Museum stands today. It was very
                                                            heartening to know that while we in India
                                                            had forgotten the role played by the INA
                                                            in our freedom struggle, the INA Day was
                                                            proudly commemorated in Moirang every

         Inside the INA Museum                              year.

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