Page 28 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 28
70th Anniversary Commemorations the turning point of one of the most
During the 70th Anniversary gruelling campaigns of the Second World
Commemorations of the Battle of Imphal War. The decisive Japanese defeat in
held from March to June 2014, a series of Northeast India became the springboard
events were organized by the Manipur for the Fourteenth Army’s subsequent
Tourism Forum and the Second World re-conquest of Burma”: National Army
War Imphal Campaign Foundation to Museum, London.
mark key dates from the battles and pay While 16,000 on the Allies side were
tribute to the martyrs who died fighting either killed or wounded at Imphal-
during these fierce battles. Kohima, 12,000 of them died during the
War Tourism: Also, in a first-of-its-kind Battle of Imphal. An estimated 30,000
of war tourism effort in India, the Eastern Japanese soldiers died due to fighting
Heritage Trails, Imphal had conducted or disease in the simultaneous battles
a series of guided tours focused on the of Imphal and Kohima, and on the
Battle of Imphal. An initiative of Mr retreat back to Burma. Soldiers carried
Hemant Singh Katoch, son of a retired the injured back towards the Chindwin
Army officer and an ex-United Nations River. Those who could not be carried
and Red Cross official; these tours were left behind. The fingers of many of
covered prominent sites in and around the dead were cut to be cremated back
Imphal and Manipur related to this home. It was the greatest defeat on land
historic battle. I went on the most popular in Japan’s history and the vast majority of
Battle of Imphal Tour. It included the casualties occurred during the Battle of
Second World War era airfield – Koirenge: Imphal. Among the 7,000 INA men who
the two War Cemeteries (Imphal Indian accompanied the Japanese till Moirang,
Army and the Imphal War Cemetery), about 400 were killed in the battle, while
which commemorates the memories of 1,500 died of disease and starvation
the Indian and British soldiers who died during their withdrawal towards Burma.
during the War; battlefield visits around Till this day skeletons presumed to belong
Imphal and the colonial era Gen Slim’s to the dead soldiers are found in Manipur.
Cottage, which is now a heritage property The British military historian Dr Robert
in Kangla Fort Complex. It was once the Lyman who played a prominent role in
headquarters of the British 14th Army
Commander from where he planned and
initially fought the Burma Compaign.
The Battles of Imphal and Kohima
The Battles of Imphal and Kohima pitted
1,20,000 British-led Allies against
70,000 Japanese and 7000 INA soldiers
in some of the bitterest fighting seen
during the Second World War. “Fought
between March 7 and July 18, 1944, the
Battles of Imphal and Kohima were Gurkhas clearing enemy positions on Scraggy Hill near
Imphal, April 1944