Page 32 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 32
the first time that the Indian Army fought for – to try and liberate India from British
a foreigner invader on Indian soil. And rule. The impact of Subash Chandra Bose
it was for the first time the seemingly in forming the Japanese strategy for the
invincible armies of the Emperor of Japan Manipur offensive is not well-known
were decisively beaten by Indian soldiers. to most Indians. It was at his insistence
It makes us proud of the contribution that the offensive was launched by the
of our Armed Forces. Fortunately, this Japanese. A large number of officers from
seems to be changing with the Indian the Indian Army joined INA after it was
government gradually acknowledging clear that the sole aim of INA was to make
the significant role played by our Armed British quit India. Incidentally, the ‘Jai
Forces during the World Wars. Hind’ adopted as a military salutation
by the Armed Forces some years ago was
The Indian Army during the World originally a slogan used by the INA.
During the First World War, 1.3 million War Tourism in India
Indian soldiers played a major role in Many Western countries and some South
the fighting in European, Mediterranean East Asian countries have preserved the
and Middle East theatres. They won 11 World War sites. ‘The Battle Box’ is one
Victoria Crosses, while 74,000 soldiers of the most important WW II sites and
died and 66,000 were wounded. 2014 premier tourist attractions in Singapore.
was the Centenary year of the First World War Tourism is a flourishing industry in
War. Europe with Tour Operators conducting
During the Second World War, the ‘battlefield tours’ of World War sites and
Indian Army began the war in 1939 War Memorials for scholars, tourists
numbering just 2,00,000 men. However, and families of war veterans. The 75th
by the end of the war, it became the Anniversary Commemorations of WW
largest volunteer Army in history, rising II at Monte Cassino or Normandy in
to over 2.5 million men. It fought gallantly May and June 2019, or the Centenary
in North Africa, Middle East and Italy, Commemorations of WW I are fine
though a major force was committed examples.
to fighting the Japanese Army. Their We had a fine taste of War Tourism in
valour and grit was recognised with the May 2013, when we visited the Italian
award of 31 VCs. These campaigns cost battlefields where our 257-year-old unit,
over 36,000 lives, whilst 34,354 were 14 Punjab (Nabha Akal), the erstwhile
wounded and 67,340 became Prisoners of Nabha Akal Infantry had fought with
War. distinction against the Germans during
Role of the INA
WW II also hastened the process of Conclusion
Indian Independence. The INA was The visit to Imphal for the 70th
involved in the Battle of Imphal on the Anniversary was enriching, given this
side of the Japanese; and Imphal was the was the first-of-its-kind of war tourism in
moment the INA had created and waiting India. Among the distinguished visitors