Page 31 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 31

Japanese forces in April 1944.
         When you go home
         Tell them of us and say
         For their tomorrow
         We gave our today
          At Sangshak, 84-year-old local YA
         Shishak proudly showed us his museum
         set up at home. It contains rare Allied,
         Japanese and INA artefacts, photographs,
         medals, flags, paintings besides other
         collected items from the World War sites.
         The Sangshak War Memorial honouring
         the valour and sacrifice of the martyrs            The author paying homage at the Imphal War Cemetery
         of 152 Para Bn, 4/5 Maratha and locals of          British popular image, the greatest
         Sangshak village was made many years               battles and heroes were all in Europe.
         back, while the Japanese have recently             Scholars the world over are recognizing
         constructed a War Memorial in honour of            the significance of this Campaign as the
         their martyrs who died during this battle.         beginning of modern integrated mobile
         Closing Ceremony: The Closing Ceremony             warfare (air supply etc) and a model of
         of the three-month long programme held             defensive and offensive warfare. The
         at the Imphal War Cemetery on June 28,             Campaign is now taught in the UK and
         2014 was attended by representatives               US military academies. Imphal is now
         from Britain, the United States, Australia         recognized as the longest battle of WW II
         and Japan. Dr Hugo Slim, grandson                  and the combination of so many different
         of Field Marshal Slim was among the                nationalities in the XIV Army makes it an
         dignitaries. The highlight was the                 important example of what today is called
         presence of few World War II veterans              diversity.”
         including 93-year-old Sokhojang, who                Louis Allen in his book Burma – The
         had fought in the Battle of Imphal.                Longest War writes, “Imphal… the last
                                                            place on earth one would choose as the
         Importance of the Battles                          venue of a vast military campaign. Yet it
         The Battle of Imphal also highlights the           was here that Japanese, British, Indians,
         importance of the air battle. No 1 Sqn,            Gurkhas, arrived in 1944 to kill in their
         IAF played a crucial role in support of            thousands. The Japanese were driven by
         the Allies during the land battle. By the          the dream of invading India: the others by
         time they were relieved by No 7 Sqn, IAF           the need to stop them.”
         in March 1945, it had earned nine DFCs              Unfortunately, we in India seem to
         and 1 MBE. The first DFC went to Sqn Ldr           have forgotten these famous battles.
         Arjan Singh, the CO who later became               Independent India has never shown any
         marshal of the IAF.                                care or concern about these war veterans,
         Dr Slim says, “The India/Burma                     as they are a living memorial of India’s
         Campaign was long known as the                     colonial past – men who fought a ‘foreign
         ‘Forgotten Army’ in the UK. In the                 war’ for a foreign government. It was for

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #19 | JANUARY 2021                                                            31
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