Page 35 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 35

a breakthrough that the world was eagerly          business landscape, and the world became
         waiting for some time. Moreover, people didn’t     our playground!
         have a comparable set of data points, so they       Millions of consumers were anxiously
         quickly embraced the technology across the         waiting for the next wave, and a
         globe. And then, as they say-rest is history...!   breakthrough in this field was witnessed
          2G was first launched in Finland sometime         when 4G (our current generation) was
         in 1991 with Global System for Mobile              introduced. It was the first time deployed in
         Communication (GSM), and that became the           Sweden in 2009, and with this, high-quality
         standard protocol for second generation digital    video streaming and gaming services became
         devices across the world. For the first time, the   a real possibility!
         calls could be encrypted, and digital voice calls
         were significantly clearer.                        Quantum jump ahead
          Then came the era of 3G (4 times faster than      Let’s switch gears and talk about the quantum
         2G), which was launched by NTT DoCoMo,             jump in technology that we would be
         Japan. It not only made international roaming      witnessing in 2021 & beyond through the 5G
         a real possibility but introduced the world to     prism.
         new services such as video conferencing and         5G would begin to impact a wide range
         video streaming. We also witnessed the launch      of industries and sectors. Every other
         of one of the most revolutionised products         new technology you have heard about –
         in the history of telecom-smart phones,            the Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain.
         particularly with the launch of iPhone in 2007;    Augmented reality, Autonomous vehicles,
         the world was being introduced to a network        Drones, Quantum computing, Robots that
         capability that by any stretch of imagination,     perform quick, painless surgeries… all these
         was not even a remote possibility a few years      disruptive trends have remained stuck in
         ago! All of a sudden, it revolutionised the        their infancies, they would been nothing but

         Mobile phones are only one area to feel the benefits of 5G technology

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #19 | JANUARY 2021                                                            35
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