Page 36 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 36
5G can make smart cities much more realistic than they are currently, specially in developing countries
some research work on paper and probably
are years away — if not more — from making
any serious inroads into your everyday life,
but once 5G is rolled out it can help to power
driverless cars … robotic surgeries … smart 21 foods for a trimmer you
cities … and many more such miracles! And
every other technology trend you’ve heard
about could soon become a reality.
From a speed perspective, it’s 20 times faster
than the current 4G.
To give you an idea of just how revolutionary Large stores can apply 5G real-time intelligence to
this is… you could download ten movies on a inventory tracking and make their shelves smart
5G network, whereas, in the current scheme track sales. With “smart” shelves, with retail
of things, 4G couldn’t even deliver half of this! chain detecting when goods have been sold
almost instantly. Its lightning-fast wireless
Wider applications speed would propel the Internet of Things,
The first obvious takeaway is that 5G is not virtual reality, blockchain, augmented reality
only a huge time saver for consumers but … and other breakthroughs into the future. If
for businesses as well, 5G has even more glitches interrupt the data every few seconds,
significant and wide-reaching applications. all this would just be a remote possibility.
Say, for example, the large stores can apply 5G Talking about 5G rollout, there has never
real-time intelligence to inventory tracking. been anything of this magnitude in the recent
The shelves can be made “smart”. Currently, past. This is not just big but unprecedented
bandwidth limits restrict retailers from too! 5G is the upgrade that will end all future
knowing in real-time precisely what goods upgrades. 5G simply expands the realm of
are stocked on shelves and what are below what’s possible. And this will usher in an era
the threshold limits in stores. There’s a lag of technological progress unlike anything
in time before business decision-makers can world has ever seen before.