Page 34 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 34
Future Tech
The 5G
In the technological journey where new standards are set all the time, the
fifth generation is set to have a dizzying impact, writes Sandeep Suri
Sooner rather than later, everything you by exponentially increasing and making a
see around us will turn into two-way dizzying impact on data-carrying capacity
communication. From your mirrors you and decreasing latency, and 5G is no
use at home, the cars you drive on the road, exception to this phenomenon! 5G is here
the shoes you wear, the crops you get from to revolutionise the business landscape and
the farm – we are surrounded by data; this change the world forever, for sure!
data can come from your gas pipe, water
connection, windows, home devices and How it started
so on! BTW, it is not a sci-fi movie script; Before we dive into the futuristic but real
it’s about the surprises 5G (5th-generation) possibilities of 5G that have been in the
technology holds for us in the long term. For making for years, let us look at the brief
all this to happen, we need smart devices, a history of ‘generations’ of technology and how
strong network, mammoth storage facilities it all started.
called server farms, super-fast computing If I ask you which was the first country
power, and so on. that brought the first-generation technology
I am attempting to chart out the (commonly known as 1G) to the world?
unprecedented growth of wireless standards Not sure? It was Japan, way back in 1979.
from the first generation (1G) to where However, like any other technology, it had
we are today – on the cusp of a global 5G its set of glitches right from the network
rollout. Every time the new ‘generation’ is being patchy to poor call quality; everything
launched, it dramatically changes our lives was far below the ‘world standard’. It was