Page 25 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 25

metabolism, and make exercise easier and           denatured, and weakens in potency; it’s
         more efficient, all of which could contribute      thus advisable to use lukewarm water (not
         to beneficial results on the scale.                hot), with your freshly squeezed lemon
         How to drink it:  So, if you’re on a weight-       drink.
         loss journey, you might want to give
         drinking water (500ml) on an empty                 3. Green Tea
         stomach a try. And aim for a minimum of 2
         to 3 litres of water per day.

         2. Lemon water – Warm lemon water

                                                            Green tea an excellent choice when you’re
                                                            looking for a little boost. Not only is it
                                                            calorie-free, but some research suggests
         Lemon water can be greatly effective for           green tea extract may help with weight loss.
         those who are trying to shed some pounds.          It’s not clear exactly how, but caffeine and
         Drinking warm lemon water, the first thing         micronutrients called catechins may each
         in the morning will help detoxify your             play a significant role.
         system.                                             The benefit appears to last only a few
          Warm lemon water will make sure that              hours, so it may help to enjoy some green
         your digestive system functions smoothly.          tea at least twice a day.
         The citric acid present in lemon interacts         Fresh mint is a fast - working digestive
         with the other essential enzymes in your           and combined with green tea it speeds
         stomach to help stimulate the secretion of         up your metabolic rate and effects more
         gastric juices.                                    thorough digestion.
          Lemon water also balances your pH levels          Fresh lemon and lemongrass also work
         and reducing acidity helps negate digestive        in synergy with the benefits of green tea for
         and inflammatory disorders.                        detoxification leading to weight loss.
          This said, sipping room temperature               How to drink it:  Use water that is off the
         lemon water (with a few fresh, crush mint          boil ( wait for 2 minutes); add to green tea
         leaves), through the day, helps a detox and        leaves and herbs/ spices/ of your choice. Let
         rewards you with more energy.                      it steep for 2-3 minutes. Drink this twice a
          Be cautious about erosion of tooth enamel,        day
         which is one of the downsides to drinking
         lemon water. Also don’t overdo it, a               4. Chia seeds water
         moderate approach will show good results.          Scientists have only recently begun
         How to drink it:  Since Vitamin C is               studying the potential weight loss benefits
         unstable in heat and light sensitive, it gets      of chia seeds. Some of these studies have

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