Page 26 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 26

shown promising results, but the data are          they help to fill you up for few calories,
         far from conclusive.                               encouraging an overall lower calorie intake.
          However, chia is a super food for good            Tomato juice could also help simply as a
         reason, it has proven to reduce obesity and        lower-sugar, lower-calorie alternative to
         while you can sprinkle dry chia seeds on           fruit juices or soft drinks.
         almost anything you eat, it makes sense to          The juice of tomatoes also helps reduce the
         curate a detox drink with chia.                    resistance of leptin, which is an appetite-
          There are groups who will vow it is               controlling hormone. This, in turn, helps
         effective on an empty stomach, first thing         signal to the body the appropriate point
         in the morning. And there is another               at which it should stop eating food and
         perspective that touts its efficacy before         thereby control overall calorie consumption
         bedtime.                                           -- which makes it a potent fat fighter.
          Whenever you choose to have the drink,            How to drink it:  Use 2 or 3 tomatoes,
         know that it will definitely benefit you.          cut and deseed. Grind the tomatoes add
          Since the seeds form a gel when mixed             some water to make a fine juice. Add 2
         with a liquid (they can hold up to 10 times        tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice,
         their weight in liquid), they digest slowly,       ½ tablespoon black pepper. Drink tomato
         making them a powerful force against the           juice daily as an aid to weight loss.
         munchies—which is great news for those
         looking to cut down on their portions.             6. Coconut water
         How to drink it:  Combine 1 cup of water
         with 1 tablespoon of chia seeds. Let the
         seeds soak overnight, add a squeeze of half
         a lemon and slurp it down in the morning.
         Some folks also add a teaspoon of ground
         cinnamon powder for that added boost to
         the metabolism.

         5. Tomato Juice
         One cannot deny the number of health
         benefits you can derive from the juice of          If you live in a place where you have
         tomatoes. Rich in lycopene. Tomatoes are           easy access to fresh coconut water, then
         relatively low in calories and carbohydrates       perhaps you should make sure you have a
         and have high water content. This means            glass every morning! As it is packed with

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