Page 27 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 27

bio- active enzymes, which speed up the            that are known to cause oxidative stress.
         metabolic rate, you burn more fat drinking         Oxidative stress in the body can lead to
         coconut water.                                     obesity and diabetes like conditions.
          Though it’s good to sip coconut water             Consuming saunf water may help reduce
         during any time of the day, consuming it           fat by improving vitamin and mineral
         during certain times of the day might help.        absorption in the body.
         Drinking it early in the morning on an              The volatile oils like estragole, fenchone
         empty stomach can add to your weight loss          and anethole present in fennel seeds
         efforts.                                           and released when you add boiling hot
          It also provides a host of other health           water to them, help kick-start digestion
         benefits, including boosting your immunity,        by promoting the production of gastric
         giving your metabolism a boost, fight              enzymes.
         dehydration and constipation.                       An upbeat digestive system is the key to
         How to drink it:   Ask your naaryal pani           lose weight, the healthy way.
         wala! Mine told me to consume it within            How to drink it:  Pour a cup of boiling
         two hours of him cracking it open and every        hot water over a teaspoon of saunf and let
         morning before breakfast.                          it steep for 5 minutes before sipping it. Do
                                                            not boil this tea as fennel loses its nutritive
         7. Fennel Seed / Saunf Water                       qualities with boiling.

                                                            8. Cumin ( Jeera) Water

         Fennel or saunf has diuretic properties and
         drinking fennel seed tea can help remove
         toxins from the body, which in turn, may           When jeera is soaked in water, it swells up.
         contribute to weight loss.                         The nutrients in jeera get into the water and
          Fennel is a rich source of fibre, which           turn it pale yellow in colour.
         helps you stay fuller for longer, further           Experts say that it is thymol, a compound
         preventing you from cravings and                   in cumin seeds, that stimulates the
         overeating. This leads to less calorie             enzymes, which enables better secretion
         consumption, resulting in weight loss.             of digestive juices. This leads to better
          Saunf water also contains a plethora of           digestion and avoids bloating. Hence jeera
         antioxidants like phosphorus, selenium,            water for weight loss is an effective remedy.
         zinc, manganese, choline, beta-carotene,           How to drink it:  Soak a tablespoon of jeera
         lutein, zeaxanthin, all of which are known         in water overnight. Boil the soaked jeera in
         to protect your body against free radicals         water the next morning. Before drinking,

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