Page 16 - Seniors Today - March Issue
P. 16

important bell-ringers of those days) and
                                                            greeted with much excitement and verve
                                                            given that the content (it was always king,
                                                            not just today) was an interesting amalgam
                                                            of updates, milestones and gossip in the
                                                            other side of the family in the other side of
                                                            the country. Our school lives were indelible
                                                            and exciting parts of our being, given the
                                                            deep relationships and friendships forged
         If learning from home is prolonged much further, children   with the classmates, notwithstanding all the
         may lose more than they gain
                                                            homework, scolds and slaps of the teacher,
          I had impromptu bought a few books for            tantrums, fights, punishments, compositions
         my two young students mentioned above,             and everything else. This kept us all going
         which they are discovering and learning            through the year. But deep down, we all
         to use slowly. They are super excited at the       deeply missed seeing and talking and
         discovery journey and are very happy with          hugging our grandparents, our uncles and
         the books. But, if I don’t call them at the        aunts and out cousins, being treated as VIPs
         appointed time every week (for whatever            from Bombay (as the maximum city was
         reason), they are super disappointed and in        then known), served special food, outings,
         fact message me. It is nothing but hankering       daily storytelling and so many other fun
         for that human interaction, the most primal        things. The irresistible small-town life, the
         need of humans. Unsaid therein is they are         tongas, the wayside sweetmeat shops, the
         missing their school times.                        charming individual houses, theatres with
                                                            benches in the front, ‘goli-sodas’ were all
         The charm of small-town life                       firmly etched experiences to die for. And
         At this stage, I can’t help but recall quite       not to mention the indescribable happiness
         vividly and fondly my childhood annual             of lying down for a nap with your head on
         sojourns by train (you had to book months          the lap of your grandfather or grandmother
         in advance, get the benefit of school              or aunt as they tousle our hairs gently and
         student concession and a whole lot of other        caress us to sleep.
         rigmaroles) to our ‘native’ place down south        Let us get back that touch and feel back into
         during the summer school vacations in the          our lives. Children will lose much more if the
         1960s and 1970s. Through the year, the only        LFH (learn from home) is prolonged. My fear
         medium of exchange with relatives was              is that learning itself may become obsolete
         post cards and letters (and the occasional         and that indeed is terrifying. Technology can
         trunk call, given that it used to cost an          only do so much. E learning can only do so
         arm and leg to make one and that too after         much. Let us not make our future generation
         prior booking) which were eagerly awaited          mere mean machines, but warm social
         from the grandfather, grandmother, uncle,          creatures. Get back our schools, get back our
         aunt, cousins and all and sundry, given the        teachers, get back our children. Get back to
         distance induced separations from daily            LAS (learn at school). For brick and mortar
         interactions. Receiving letters was an event       lay the real foundation to make the tiny feet
         in itself (the postman was one of the most         take that giant leap.

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