Page 3 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 3

Publisher’s Note

                                 India’s Lost Decade

         India finds itself in the throes of a humanitarian   immunity and that we would be able to deal with
         disaster. The second wave of the pandemic has      the coronavirus better than the rest of the world.
         struck India with a devastating impact. To put     Indians are an unhealthy population, what with
         numbers on new cases and deaths is adding          obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, air pollution
         insult to injury. In any case, one is not sure of the   and a ragtag medical infrastructure that gave way.
         statistics. Everyone seems to have lost someone.   There is no incentive to prevent disease. A largely
         The stress of the pandemic has been brutal,        commercial and profit-driven medical system,
         the situation seemed to have gone downhill         which is out of reach of the middle class anyway,
         rather quickly and there is no respite. As late    has resulted in a large number of avoidable deaths.
         as March 2021, the health minister went into       India is a high-risk setting for an epidemic, and the
         self-congratulatory mode, with overconfidence      current situation was predictable. For the future,
         and false assurances that India had overcome       bolstering infrastructure will be necessary -- it is
         the pandemic. The virulence of the second wave     not sufficient that death must be averted -- not just
         has plunged the country into a medical disaster    to treat disease but prevent it altogether. India has
         unparalleled in the world. Recognising the crisis,   been ineffective in controlling the current crisis.
         the Supreme Court of India set up a national       The stories of a collapsing medical infrastructure
         taskforce to facilitate a public health response to   are numerous, with reports of lack of oxygen for
         the pandemic based on scientific and specialised   hospitalised patients.
         domain knowledge.                                   The gut-wrenching images of bodies burning
          India is the fifth largest economy in the world.   on pyres in the streets and the overcrowded
         It is now evident to the world that India could    cemeteries will remain in our collective memory.
         pull the global economy down. Which is why         And it will be decades before families can begin to
         every significant power is sending us dole – alms,   recoup their shattered lives. A young man, 38 years
         handouts, oxygen, concentrators, ventilators,      old, lost his life to Covid leaving behind a wife of 35
         vaccine raw material, drugs, medical aid and       and a nine-year-old daughter. It is not easy for the
         everything else that the country needs to fight the   wife to explain the empty seat at the dining table,
         pandemic. The scale of the crisis in India means   and it will be a decade by the time the daughter
         that international restrictions will remain in     grows up to understand it all. In the meantime,
         place for a much longer period. Preventing this    economists and politicians will talk about recovery
         spread requires strict quarantines and travelling   of GDP, growth rate, rebuilding India etc. But when
         restrictions; this is bad news for the travel and   will the nine-year-old ever recover, and like her, so
         hospitality industry, and will have a cascading    many parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, children?
         effect on the global economy.
          This has been the lost decade for India.
         Callousness and complacency gave the virus
         an opportunity to spread. We wrongly believed      Vickram Sethi
         that our poor hygiene gave us much stronger        Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #23 | MAY 2021                                                                3
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