Page 8 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 8

Find creative ways to connect with family          Eschew politics
         and friends. Maybe write an old-fashioned
         letter, or call someone on the phone,
         particularly on the days you are feeling
         lonely. Place calls using video chat services
         like Facetime or Zoom. If you are tech-savvy,
         post and respond to other friends’ posts on
         social media. Create something – expressing
         yourself through creative means can be
         therapeutic, whether it involves painting,
         writing or dancing. If you find it hard to
         express your feelings to others, maintain a         At a time like this, when you want to seek
         journal and write each day. You could even         comfort from your friends, invariably
         start a blog, writing about your feelings and      for a lot of people the conversation turns
         experiences for others to read. You would be       to politics. It is a difficult subject to
         surprised at the response you get –  maybe         discuss. This has been a year of immense
         you’ll discover old friends or make new            polarisation. The pandemic, religious
         connections. However, do be wary of new            tension, elections and the hysterical media
         people you meet on social media – do not           have made the world seem more divisive
         share personal information that someone            and partisan than ever before. Friends you
         could misuse.                                      have known for many decades become
          Write short stories, or start the novel you       strong adversaries over political views. I
         always wanted to write. Make a bucket list         am a member of my school alumni group.
         of things you want to do in your lifetime. It’s    We were amongst the best public schools
         always fun to make travel plans. Pamper            in India, our formative years were spent
         yourself, finding ways to comfort yourself;        under a man whom we all revered as
         even when you are lonely you can improve           god. N L Khanolkar was an iconic school
         your mental health. Creativity can become          principal, a staunch secularist – no Hindu-
         a form of meditation. Whatever you do to           Muslim- Punjabi- Gujarati- Maharashtrian-
         combat loneliness, know that you are truly         Kannadiga bias. He taught us right from
         not alone and there are many things you can        wrong, weak from strong, and drilled into
         do to feel more connected.                         us great values. He was a true Dronacharya.
          Unfortunate things will happen. They              Some of the members of my alumni group
         could hurt and disappoint you. But                 are admirals, air marshals, brigadiers,
         believe in yourself and get your mind off          bankers, lawyers, engineers, builders,
         the negative self-talk. This is the time to        doctors, businessmen and men of the world.
         tell yourself to stop. No politics and no          Yet there is so much of division amongst
         doomscrolling and no Covid discussion              us, so much political venom being spewed
         either – make this your mantra. One of the         in the group for and against the current
         things that seniors need to remember that          dispensation. I have often wondered what
         being older is not “old” – believe yourself to     makes educated people take such extreme
         be fighting, fit and healthy. There is a lot left   views and flaunt them.
         in those tanks; find a happiness supplement.        My belief is that when a leader propagates

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