Page 7 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 7
a persistent sad, anxious or “empty” Others who are used to keeping busy
mood, irritability, and feelings of guilt, may suddenly find themselves alone
withdrawal and pessimism. Many of us with their thoughts, missing friends and
seniors are once again vulnerable, facing family outside of their household. Lots of
the risk to life, the stress of the news, the folks have lost their usual routine, and the
gut-wrenching images. The fear of being unstructured time increases rumination
infected or infecting someone else. The and becomes a cause of depression and
helplessness and misery of it all. This is the loneliness.
perfect storm for depression and anxiety. When you start thinking critical thoughts
about yourself take a moment to pause
Stress and mistrust and assess your feelings. Experts term
this “self-talk”. This involves the things
you mentally tell yourself. It is the inner
voice in your mind that analyses how you
interact with the world around you. Paying
attention to your self-talk is a great place
to start when you are trying to think more
positively. If you find yourself with too
much of negative self-talk, start looking for
ways to change your thought patterns and
Life as we knew it has dramatically reframe your interpretations. Rather than
changed in a matter of weeks and we are feel sad for yourself, look for a problem-
forced to isolate to prevent the spread of solving strategy for your survival.
the coronavirus. Many of us are struggling Isolation is the cause of loneliness.
with tragedies, death of friends and People don’t always talk about feelings of
family, job losses and economic burdens. loneliness and don’t always know what
Words such as co-morbidities and anxiety to do with these feelings. Research also
disorders remind you of the fragility suggest that loneliness and depression
of human life. Seniors find themselves may feed off and perpetuate each other;
ruminating, feeling hopeless and helpless meaning, the more lonely you are the more
and, ultimately, depressed. Unpleasant depressed you are likely to feel and vice
news within family and friends adds to versa. If you are experiencing loneliness
the trauma. If your own anxieties are not you need to distract yourself – this will help
enough, you get bombarded by a lot of you to stop ruminating about everything
political junk on WhatsApp, social media that is wrong.
etc. Seniors have found themselves more
stressed than usual by politics and the state Talk, write, create
of the nation. The pandemic has exposed
racial inequities and there is widespread
mistrust of the media.
Those who are already struggling with
depression and anxiety may find that
the situation aggravates their feelings.