Page 6 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 6
Cover Story
The Wrath of God
The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown us into a maelstrom of fear and despair,
but it is possible to fight back, writes Vickram Sethi
Yes, and how many times must a man look grows darker the only light that we will see
up will be emitted by the pyres of our loved
Before he can see the sky? ones. At this moment there is no escape
And how many ears must one man have from Covid-19. It is a merciless, insatiable
Before he can hear people cry? disease that affects all of us across India
Yes, and how many deaths will it take ’til – so many have died and so many are
he knows struggling. It dominates the news, social
That too many people have died? media and our lives; we can barely blink
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the without thinking about the pandemic.
wind However, this piece is not about politics –
The answer is blowin’ in the wind it’s about another pandemic emerging as
a silent killer. Depression, stress, anxiety
How ironic that now some scientists and loneliness affecting the mental health
claim that Covid-19 is an airborne disease. of seniors. Doctors define depression as a
The answer actually is blowing in the common but serious mood disorder that
wind. We are in the midst of a ruthless, negatively affects how you feel, think, and
unrelenting, heart-rending tragedy. This handle daily activities such as sleeping,
is India’s darkest hour, and as the night eating, and working. Symptoms include