Page 42 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 42
Perhaps you have bean there and done that but these recipes will certainly
bring variety to your dining table while being easy on your tum-tum,
writes Sushmita Bhattrai
A little bit of sugar and spice and Beans come from the family of legumes.
everything is nice stands true for bean They are a rich source of protein, healthy
recipes. While a bowl of homely rajma carbs, folate, fibre, antioxidants and several
chawal is a quick fix when it comes to other nutrients that is essential for good
comfort food, devouring it can sometimes health. Since it’s high in protein and fibre,
make one feel gassy and bloated but there contributing to low calorie intake beans
are several ways to fix it. Apart from help you maintain your weight.
causing gas in your stomach beans make a They are nutritious and there’s so much
great belly fat burner remedy. variety when it comes to dried beans –
kidney beans, pinto beans, black bean,
Plant-based protein for the healthy you soyabean and much more, that can easily
be incorporated in your diet on a regular
basis. So, if you are looking to boost your
protein intake, beans make a great plant-
based protein that will keep you satiated.
Why does one feel gassy after eating
Dried beans contain complex sugar that
escape the process of digestion and lands
into the intestines where it gets fermented