Page 37 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 37
Don’t Ignore Your
Pelvic Floor!
Take control of your pelvic floor muscles for life, writes Dr Binal Dave
The occurrence of pelvic floor dysfunction the pressure inside your abdomen to deal
may increase steadily during the ageing with the pushing down force when you
process in women and men. Pelvic floor lift or strain - such as while exercising.
dysfunction may be associated with Pelvic floor muscles support the bladder
dysfunctions of micturition, defecation, and bowel in men, and the bladder, bowel
prolapse and sex. The natural history and and uterus in women. They also help
mechanism of pelvic floor dysfunction maintain bladder, bowel control and play
in the aged are not understood well or an important role in sexual sensation and
explored. Let’s review the effect of age on function.
the prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunction
and on the structural and functional
changes of the lower urinary tract,
anorectum and pelvic floor. Altogether, the
ageing process has a negative impact on
either the function or structure of the lower
urinary tract, anorectum and pelvic.
The pelvic floor
The pelvic floor is the base of the group
of muscles referred to as your ‘core’. The Who’s at risk?
pelvic floor muscles work with your Some people are more at risk of developing
deep abdominal (tummy) and deep back pelvic floor problems than others. These
muscles and diaphragm to stabilise and include:
support your spine. They also help control • women who are pregnant or have recently