Page 23 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 23

PTA, we were summoned by the principal.            wants is to be dependent on their children.
         Similarly, you might have to take me to the        You drive your car and let me drive mine,
         doctors and it will be your turn to be told        but keep a watchful eye on me through the
         off.                                               rear view mirror.

                                                            Love, not sympathy
                                                            Sometimes I could walk into a room and not
                                                            know why I went there, or even lose the key
                                                            which is lying right in front. It could happen
                                                            that I could lose track of what we are talking
                                                            about; give me time to remember – and if
                                                            I can’t, don’t be impatient or arrogant. It
         Relationship shift                                 could also happen that I may lose control
         A person is known as so-and-so’s child, and        over my toilet functions. Please do not get
         it is a proud moment for parents when their        angry or embarrassed. Please be patient and
         children excel and even overtake parental          try to understand what I am going through.
         achievements. Papa kehta hain bada naam            Just know that the most important thing for
         karega. The chest swells up when parents           me is to be with you. Parents want love, not
         are referred as so-and-so’s mom and dad.           sympathy.
         Beyond the biological relationship comes a          When my old, tired legs don’t let me move
         relationship of love. Parents create a family,     as quickly as before, give me your hand the
         a child understands love from parents. They        way I held on to you when you first learnt
         nurture family relationships, build love           to walk. When those days come, don’t feel
         and trust between their children. Strong           sad – just be with me and indulge me with
         relationships help each other through good         love and understanding while I get to the
         times and bad. Remember, all the virtues           end of my life. Parents hold a child’s baby
         of having strong family bonds do not come          fingers and help them cross roads. These
         overnight and one has to continuously work         fingers grow up to be strong hands and help
         towards this. Parental love has no other           parents in their final crossing.
         desire except to fulfil itself.                     In case I get dementia, it is my express
          Once a child grows up and comes into his          desire not to be given life extension
         own, the relationship undergoes a change.          medication. Do not put me on a ventilator
         Parents are parents because a child wants          or make a hole in my throat. I know you
         them to be parents. There could also be a          love me, but it would be selfish to hold on to
         time when parents have no control over             me and to put me through so much of pain.
         the situation they are in; children can get        So let me go, and after I have gone have a
         arrogant, rude, rough-talk their parents and       nice party with great music. I don’t want
         even cheat them. It’s humiliating for a parent     someone singing “Maati kahe kumbhaar
         when a child conveys that their wellbeing is       se.” I will cherish and thank you for the gift
         dependent on his charity. Parental blessings       of time, love and joy which we have shared.
         create an armour which no arrow can pierce          With a big smile and all the love that I have
         and parental curses become arrows that no          always had for you’ll I just want to say I
         armour can contain. The last thing a parent        Love You.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #25 | JULY 2021                                                               23
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