Page 40 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 40


         The Importance of Deep Sleep

         (& and how to get enough of it)

         And it’s the quality that matters… just eight hours of tossing and turning
         does not suffice, writes Dr Nandini Saini

         Sleep is such an important but                     The stages of sleep:
         unfortunately often ignored part of our            The stages of sleep are divided broadly into
         routine. Adults ideally require seven to           two categories:
         nine hours of sleep in a day. Roughly, that’s      1.Non Rapid eye movement (NREM)
         one third of your time.                            2.Rapid eye movement (REM)
                                                            There are five stages of sleep that rotate
         Why is sleep so important?                         between NREM and REM, each stage
         Sleep isn’t merely our body resting. In            lasting about 90 minutes or so…they
         fact, it’s a very busy time for a number of        include drowsiness, light sleep, deep sleep,
         functions in our body – restoring dead cells,      very deep sleep and dreams.
         enabling our brain to store old memories,           Deep Sleep (also called slow wave sleep)
         create new ones. It allows you to be active        occurs in the thrid stage of NREM. This
         and healthy when awake.                            stage is important as it’s the time when
                                                            your body repairs itself, the hormones are
         The mechanism of sleep:                            regulated…vit is what makes you energetic
         Two processes regulate our sleep patterns:         the next morning. It accounts for 20 % of
         Circadian rhythm – the ability of the body         your total sleep, about 120 minutes a night.
         to feel sleepy at night and wake up in the         Waking up from deep sleep is difficult and
         morning without an alarm.                          may leave you drowsy.
          Homeostasis – Reminds your body to
         sleep after a certain time, also controls the      What happens during deep sleep?
         intensity of sleep.                                -Your body cools down, helps you conserve

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