Page 41 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 41

and build up energy. Your body and brain           Catching a nap during the day is fine, but
         waves slow down. You make up for the               try keeping it short, about 30 minutes.
         energy you’ve lost during the day.                 Exercise: Maintain a healthy exercise
         -The brain detoxifies.                             regimen, 30 minutes a day for five days
         -The pituitary gland is activated, sending         a week. Even moderate exercise, such as
         out the growth hormone, which helps in             walking your pet or yoga works well. Just
         repair of cells and muscle.                        don’t do it close to your bed time, or it might
         -Immunity is strengthened. It also helps           disturb your sleep pattern.
         augment the action of vaccines.                    Comfortable environment: A cool, dark
         -Body glucose is regulated.                        environment is most conducive to good
         -Glucose supply to the brain increases,            sleep… avoid bright lights, loud noises in
         helping in short and long term memories.           the bedroom. Keep away from electronic
         Information is stored as memories, for             devices like phones and TV right before
         future reference.                                  your bedtime. Use an eye mask to avoid
          Lack of deep sleep will make you lethargic        light.
         and feeling tired. It can also affect your         Set a bedtime routine: Unwinding before
         immune response, leaving you vulnerable            bedtime is a good way of sleeping well.
         to disease. You could suffer from conditions       Read a book, take a warm bath (about an
         like sleep walking, night eating, bed              hour before bedtime). Meditation is a good
         wetting.                                           option.
          Reduced sleep in general could predispose         Mind your diet: Avoid indulging in heavy
         you to conditions like Alzheimer’s, diabetes       food before bedtime; a light diet always
         and heart related illnesses.                       works better. Caffeine and alcohol too,
                                                            should be avoided a few hours before you
         How can we ensure we get the required              sleep.
         deep sleep?                                        Give yourself time: An adult needs about
                                                            eight hours of sleep. Try to ensure you give
                                                            yourself the eight hours. Set your schedule
                                                            accordingly. If you’ve been in bed for more
                                                            than 20 minutes and cant sleep, just get up
                                                            and read a book or have a glass of warm
                                                            milk. Go to bed only when you feel sleepy.
                                                            Pink noise: Pink noise is a background
                                                            noise you can play, which will mask any
                                                            other noises that might distract you at
                                                            Avoid sleep tracking devices: Researchers
         Experts now say it’s not just the quantity         have found that using these devices tends
         of sleep, but the quality that matters, too. A     to put the subject under stress, thereby
         sleep of eight hours where you’re tossing          disturbing their sleep.
         and turning does not suffice.                       If you feel that nothing works, your
         Schedule your sleep: Try going to bed              sleep is still disturbed, consider visiting a
         and waking up at the same time every day.          physician who can suggest medicines.

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