Page 12 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 12

A: There are no hard rules. If he wants to         organisation. We started on the purpose
         do it, then the Board decides this, it’s not       of the organisation journey almost 10
         my decision. The Board is professional,            years back, where we said that we have
         it’s independent. They decide on merit             to look at all the stakeholders, and not
         who is the best person to lead the company         just shareholders, as the organisation
         because, if the company does well because          exists for all the stakeholders. When I
         the best person is leading, tell me who            say stakeholders, it includes your own
         will benefit the most? As a majority               employees, shareholders, customers,
         shareholder, I will benefit the most.              society and associates, because all of them
                                                            are interlinked. If I do something good for
         Q: In one of the photographs we have               my employees, they will operate at a peak,
         published, you’re seeing reading The               and they will give out their best and that
         Game-Changer by former P&G boss AG                 will again benefit the other stakeholders.
         Lafley and celebrated consultant Ram               So if they do well, the company does well,
         Charan. How much of a gamechanger                  the share price will go up, I can do an
         would you consider yourself?                       IPO, I can dilute, I can make acquisitions.
         A: I have been ahead of the times in a few         All of them are interconnected. We have
         areas. I don’t know whether you’ve read the        a purpose statement, which talks about
         book, Blue Ocean Strategy. It talks about          making a difference. And make a difference
         identifying spaces where you have the right        to whoever you interact with, be it at a
         to win. And I had done all that when I read        personal level or at an organisation level.
         that book, it just reconfirmed that what I         So we send our ad agencies to our own
         was doing was on the right track. A lot of         training programmes for six days at our
         people criticised me for going to niches, but      own cost. We go to our vendors’ premises,
         I chose those niches, it was easier for me         give them suggestions for improving
         to succeed. So it just showed me that that         productivity. A lot of things which are
         whole portfolio choice of selecting the Blue       not expected of you to do, we do it and
         Ocean was right.                                   they realise: “Oh my god, nobody else is
          As for gamechanging, I can say that some          doing this, no other corporate.” So their
         of the trends which have happened in the           motivation, when you do something extra,
         management circles or corporate world, I           just increases dramatically and they give
         have done it much, much earlier. I’ll give         their best.
         you two or three examples. One was the
         portfolio choice and Blue Ocean spaces.            Q: And is that shared by your teams?
         Then there’s this whole thrust on culture-         A: Yes. We do a lot of work in the area
         building, I think I have spent an enormous         of farming. Copra is our largest selling
         amount of energy in building the culture           product. We work with farmers in Tamil
         of the organisation. Nobody else in the            Nadu and we have taken many steps
         early 90s, was looking at culture. Now             to ensure that there are no middlemen.
         everybody talks of culture and saying              Earlier there used to be four or five layers
         culture eating strategy for breakfast, and         of middlemen before it came to us and each
         whatnot, but I did it much, much earlier.          of them would have their own margin.
          The third is the purpose of the                   Now, we are buying directly from farmers.

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