Page 43 - Seniorstoday September 21
P. 43

views. There is now time for that after your       peace of mind that’s added on each hour of
         workday.                                           every day.
          Retirement extends this quality time               The balancing act of each day becomes
         manifold. Day after day of close proximity         more doable, some part of your day
         to your spouse, hours of being in the same         knocking off bothersome stuff, the ‘got
         room, eating all meals together and TV time        to do’ stuff, followed by leisurely walks,
         together too.                                      staring at the sky or a catch-up call with
          So what we really want post retirement,           friends.
         or rather what we really do not want our            Know that you will miss the give-and-take
         lives to be post retirement, is what you can       of your work life and your work family,
         narrow down on if you begin your research          prepare yourself for this inevitable loss in
         a couple of years in advance. It will hold         your life, your colleagues, your celebrated
         you in good stead for the long run. More so,       birthdays at work, your shared tears for the
         validate all that you want your retirement         loss of a colleague or loved ones and many
         life to be.                                        small things that were a huge part of your
                                                            life. Even though you know you will keep
                                                            in touch with your few, you will miss work
                                                            and your work family.
                                                             Suddenly your TV is on all day with the
                                                            same news blaring on all channels, you
                                                            are more active in posting stories on social
                                                            media and liking others posts and tweets.
                                                            You will get sucked into this vortex. On the
                                                            other hand, reading online on a plethora of
                                                            subjects, watching episodes of soaps from
                                                            so many earlier unheard-of portals, you
         Dos and Don’ts                                     are now current, repeat watching is also a
         Some key takeaways after dabbling in a             possibility. No time for boredom.
         ‘faux-tirement’:                                    Meals are no longer out of a can or frozen
          Get rid of all extra crockery, cutlery, linen,    TV boxes. Each meal is planned around
         artifacts, sorting out years of photographs        health, fresh produce and even décor. What
         lying in a box, getting clarity on your            an amazing change. Cooking and sipping
         parents estate, during these ‘faux-tirement’       wine are all a pleasure, stove to plate is
         periods, so when you actually need to              possible, the carcinogenic microwave can
         down-size you wont have so much stuff to           now be junked and you can finally get rid
         deal with. Shorten that daunting to-do list.       of the guilt of owning one. Walking sixteen
          During these periods of ‘faux-tirement’           thousand steps while listening to podcasts
         you can have the experience of what it             is no longer a distant dream. Health is
         feels like not to multitask and focus on           wealth and I’m now up for grabs. After all
         single tasks, complete one and then move           people who retire in good health are a lucky
         to the next. Nothing is the end of the world       lot.
         anymore. You are able to do a better job            What about the change in wardrobe, its
         of things, enjoy doing them and notice the         now ‘dress for comfort’ move away ‘dress to

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