Page 45 - Seniorstoday September 21
P. 45


        Are Guiltless

        Celebrations Possible?

         As we gear up for a string of festivities, sweet offerings are always on the
         table. But can you enjoy and also stay healthy? Deepa Desa finds out

         The look and smell of all things festive           enjoying festivities without guilt, there
         brightens up September’s air. We look              are ways you can plan the next three
         forward to the string of festivals that            months ahead so that you’re on top of
         follow Ganesh Chaturthi (Dussehra,                 your celebrations and health report as
         Diwali, Christmas and finally the New              well:
         Year). The last three months of the                 Make a clear and doable plan and stick
         year are sprinkled with weddings,                  to it
         anniversaries, engagements, events,                 Make sure your plan includes some
         birthdays; all things that call for being          indulgences (else you may fall prey to
         celebrated.                                        bingeing due to severe abstinence).
          We all owe it to ourselves to live it up a         Kick-start your exercise routine in full
         bit. Celebration is by definition - the act        swing and add some variations (like
         or occasion of doing something enjoyable           swimming or cycling with a walk) for
         because something good has happened or             that boost up in your metabolism.
         because it is a special day.                        Balance days of indulgences with days
          Celebrating is feasting. Making merry.            of detoxifying and light eating.
         But then, our incessant mind chatter or             Aim for etching memories of fun over
         our blood report intervenes to spoil our           food
         party. And we decide to do one out of two           When eating at home, you can
         things –to just party on without giving a          control and have full knowledge of the
         damn or to completely cut back and feel            ingredients that go into all the dishes,
         despondent.                                        but when ordering in or eating out, the
          Though there is no one formula for                key is to be mindful.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #27 | SEPTEMBER 2021                                                          45
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