Page 42 - Seniorstoday September 21
P. 42
Get Prepared for
After decades of managing a work life balance, how do you manage life
without work? Vinita Alvares Fernandes has some answers
Have you ever wondered what retirement The first year could be you scouting
would feel like? around for smaller towns where you would
The transition from the fast pace, clock prefer to retire, away from the hustle and
watching, multitasking lifestyle with bustle; you could actually rent a home for
little or no ‘me’ time, to slow paced days a few weeks to get the vibe of the place,
balanced with official work to complete, encountering the people and the lifestyle.
time for an afternoon nap, meals where you The second year could be a repeat in
actually chew your food instead of gobbling another place, with a total disconnect from
down three bites before your next meeting. work, to know how much your pace would
Retirement does make for a healthier actually drop.
lifestyle, but can also leave you missing The third would be the grand mix of the
your work, and your work family. previous two years, with decisions, not
necessarily in cement.
Trial run If you are a couple, maybe by now you are
Retirement planning guru Christine empty nesters and already adjusting to a
Fahlund recommends a “trial run” before lifestyle change of time together, the five
actual retirement. What exactly is a trial minutes a day of connecting on important
run? matters, hoping it would not turn into an
When you hit the mid fifties, spend a few argument is now a lengthy conversation,
years of your annual vacation in ‘pretend weighing the pros and cons of every matter
retirement mode.’ with patience and respect for each other’s