Page 16 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 16
because the entire cliff face was under enemy UN observers to the ceasefire line along with
observation and hence under fire. I instantly Gen Thimaya (see photo with them).
sat down and got all the details from him and As we are aware, this issue has not been
got a photograph. This is the only photograph resolved till date, and is the main bone of
available anywhere of this daredevil porter. contention whenever the “Kashmir problem”
When the Ismail story was published it received is debated between the two countries. That is
notice in the right quarters and his name was why even today India is not willing to accept the
recommended for being awarded the Maha Vir Line of Control as the internal border.
Chaka. It is interesting to note that this perhaps Tacit complicity of the British forces in aiding
is the only instance of a civilian being awarded the Pakistan cause is also well known. Gen
a military medal of this level. Later he was Gracey (who was the Commander in Chief of
taken prisoner by the enemy on September 13 in the Pakistani forces) did not hide this and in
Chabutra area. He however escaped from their fact there are instances when the British Indian
custody and was able to join the celebrations on establishment acted in concert with him and
November 15 for the liberation of Drass. Ismail ensured that the Uri to Nowshera line was
was forgotten and lived a quiet life in his village not breached by the Indian military. Why else
for many years to come. In early nineties, I would there be a total reversal of orders when
learned that Pakistani armed militants had shot the Indians were in hot pursuit to recapture
him dead. It’s a pity that we are not even able to Domel and Muzaffarabad? Had that happened,
take care of our well-known heroes. the Indian Army would have driven out the
The parleys at the United Nations finally Pakistanis from the Poonch and Nowshera area
brought about a ceasefire on January 1, 1949, as they would have been outflanked. I am told
and the actual ground position was demarcated that only a few senior British Indian officers
as the ceasefire line and later converted to took this decision and the Indian defence
Line of Control. It is well known that India’s establishment was not aware of it. Sardar Patel
posturing amongst the Western governments was furious about this blatant bias towards
and at the UN Security Council left much to be Pakistan, and insisted that Field Marshal
desired whereas Pakistan made a very forceful Auchinleck be relieved of command and control
presentation and courted these governments. be given to the Indians. Many years later
It was clear to the Indian government that when records were declassified it was found
the powers-to-be of the Western world were that the British Indian officers and the British
against the Indian position and should have government, through its High Commissioner,
continued to engage with them while the had totally different plans – basically to limit
military commanders cleared the occupied the Indian forces’ march to regain ground.
Kashmir, Skardu, Gilgit and the other Northern
areas. There was a view within the military
establishment at that time that there was a
deliberate lack of information between the
Indian government and the military leadership
on this. The top military brass was surprised
that India had accepted the ceasefire effective
January 1, 1949. I am sure that had the military
commanders known of what was going on,
there would have been a totally different result
and the actual ceasefire line would be much
more in favour of India. In fact I had several UN military observers ( Brig. Trimane from Canada and Col.
Osterby from Norway) at Gurez on 28 June ‘49. They were being
conversations to that effect with Gen Thimaya shown around by Gen. Sriganesh and Gen Thimaya. The author
as I was part of a small group which took the accompanied them and can be seen standing behind in the