Page 47 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 47

pop music – although if one were to assume            equivalent of the Binaca Geeta Mala but not half
        that appreciation of English pop music might          as good and it was not exactly a hit parade.
        be correlated with familiarity of the English          In many ways the Cadbury’s Five Star ad above
        language, people speaking English in the              is a social mirror of the times. If we think that
        country has only increased over the last few          attending a western music pop concert on a
        decades but I am not sure rock music is any           Sunday morning at 10 am is brave, take a look
        more popular. So that argument does not hold. I       again at the ad. It was the days when advertising
        think there is another reason. Hindi pop music        folk were not afraid to think creatively on sales
        was almost entirely Hindi film music in the ’70s      promotions. Wonder if anyone would do that
        and it didn’t have an existence of its own as a       today? Accept product wrappers in lieu of
        genre, except to be associated with Hindi films.      tickets? Our household used Binaca toothpaste
         For some reason, English pop music had an            only so that I could get those little plastic
        active morning audience. I remember in the            animals that came with the pack. And we ate
        ’60s, Biddu Appaiah – then known as the Lone          A1 bubble gum only because a collection of
        Trojan, having broken away from the band              the stickers inside the pack would entitle us to
        called the Trojans – used to take the stage at the    a cricket scrapbook of famous crickets of that
        Hotel Astoria in Churchgate for a jam session         age. Polly Umrigar, Abbas Ali Baig and ML
        that lasted from 11 am to 1 pm. And a daytime         Jaisimha, to name a few. Although advertising
        discotheque called Bullock Cart at Rampart            was later accused of being very English-biased
        Row (Kala Ghoda now) was full house for their         and talking only to the living rooms of Cumballa
        morning jam session, largely occupied by              Hill and Peddar Road, and the equivalents of
        Elphistonians, Xavierites and students from the       Cumballa Hill in other cities, many of the Hindi
        other South Mumbai colleges. In many ways it          taglines were born long before that accusation.
        was still an innocent pastime, because people         “Sirf ek Saridon aur Sardard se Aaraam”,
        were willing to get high on Coca-Cola and coffee      “Lifebuoy hai jahaan, tandurusti hai wahaan”,
        rather than beer and spirits. It meant that young     “Lux filmi sitaron ka saundarya sabun” were
        people were coming there primarily for the            slogans that we all grew up with.
        music and the atmosphere with Coke and coffee          Hinglish, which is increasingly become the
        providing the social glue for a get-together. And     advertising lingua franca of today, was not yet
        of course, perhaps the sheer thrill of missing        born. People had not started mixing English
        a few lectures at college often referred to as        and Hindi freely even in common-speak. It is
        ‘bunking’ in those days. I sometimes wonder           not unusual, though. In the Philippines, people
        what it is called now.                                speak a mixture of Tagalog and English called
                                                              Taglish. It only means that people are almost
         The English pop scene was also fuelled by            equally familiar with both languages when they
        HMV which managed to bring a fair range of            do that.
        English titles into the country. In fact, my first
        45 RPM record, ‘I want to hold your hand’ by           But the late ’60s and the early ’70s were
        The Beatles, gifted to me by my mother, was           different and this 5-star ad is only a reflection
        bought at an HMV store on Ranade Road quite           of the times. We were fewer people, life was less
        close to Dadar Station – and Dadar was by no          busy and we didn’t have the internet or mobile
        means a hub for Western pop music and it still        phones to distract us. We still had a hangover
        isn’t. Later in 1970, Polydor entered the country     from our independence. True we had only two
        and that increased our repertoire of Western          cars, the Fiat and the Ambassador to travel in,
        pop music. Even AIR, that stoic representation        and many other restrictions, but I can’t help
        of a government radio station, played Western         feeling that in many ways we were a happy lot
        pop music on a program called Saturday Date           that looked to our future with anticipation and
        every Saturday evening. This was the English          optimism.

                                                                                   SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 3
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