Page 48 - Seniors Today - Vol1 Issue 3
P. 48

Once Upon A Time | Letters

        Emotions in an envelope

        Writing, reading and the special joy of receiving letters in bygone days.
        By Vandana Kanoria

        For a long time they lay forgotten and unread         staggered and stumbled, how the lines crawled
        in rusted trunks, in attics of my childhood           up and down the page. When I wrote letters,
        home in Kolkata - tied up in string, slipping         I would be under the spell of phrases - the
        and sliding out of files, they stayed quiet and       magic and mystery of words. These letters are
        uncomplaining, until one day, gripped by a            the marks left behind, the tracks of an earlier
        wave of nostalgia, I took them out and began a        journey through times long lost.
        journey back to my childhood. Yes, they were          Sometimes the envelopes were heavy;
        letters – in envelopes with decorative stamps,        containing postcards of distant lands,
        airmail letters in their wispy envelopes, with        photographs of never-seen friends, or little
        airplanes flying in the corner and “Par Avion”        keepsakes from cousins. Sometimes the letters
        under the wings, and on the inside, news              would be redolent with the fragrance of pressed
        written on onion-skin paper. Others came              flowers, tucked in pages, grown in a little garden
        from less exotic destinations. These came from        in some corner of the world…
        cousins and friends - inland letters written on       And the heaviest were those that carried
        lined sheets torn from notebooks, with little         the weight of secrets never to be told! Today
        doodles and drawings to better illustrate the         when I read them a wave of nostalgia engulfs
        feelings contained in words. In those days,           me - nostalgia for the laughter and innocence
        emotions triumphed over emojis!                       of childhood, for the girl I was then, with her
         I loved writing letters to my friends, cousins,      whole life ahead of her.
        pen-pals. I waited eagerly for their letters,          Letters are physical objects, with all the
        wondering what surprises they would hold              tactility and uniqueness. Writing one is an
        within their pages. I looked for details in the lilt   activity of leisure, a contemplative practice.
        of a heart instead of an ‘o’ in love, the flourish of   On its pages we argue, say goodbye, dream,
        the ‘v’ in my name. I could see who was wired         forgive and tell our secrets. We slow down, sit
        on the high of first love, or weighed down by         with pen and paper and thoughts of the person
        despair and pain and therefore how the words          we are writing to. There’s a lot of one’s self in a

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