Page 18 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 18
From princely states to power plays
They were but names on a map until trans-border skirmishes made
them well-known. The forgotten areas of Gilgit and Baltistan are given
a closer look in this story, hitherto unpublished, by the celebrated late
defence correspondent Sati Sahni
Gilgit and Baltistan are the unfortunate parts Jammu & Kashmir State were able to subjugate
of Jammu & Kashmir which should have been and subdue the rulers of various principalities
apart of Indian territory. Whereas Pakistan of the Gilgit region like Hunza, Nagar, Punial,
insists on calling it the Northern Area of Yasin, Ghizr, Ishkoman and Chilas, and
Pakistan. In the past 57 years, India has Khaplu, Rondu and Skardu in Baltistan.
asserted its claim rather feebly and occasionally. Even when the Dogra General Zorawar Singh
Pakistan, on the other hand, took over the conquered Baltistan in 1840, Gilgit retained its
administration of the vast areas, exploited its independence. However, in 1846 succession to
resources and used it to win over the friendship rulership of Gilgit was contested. A contender,
of China – but did not give the region and its Karim Khan, sought assistance from the
people their due. Not many Indians are aware Governor of Kashmir (Lahore’s Sikh Durbar),
that this vast region is 72,945 sq km, which is who dispatched an Expeditionary Force which
five times the area administered by the POK quelled the warring factions and got Karim
government. Khan enthroned. He was however asked to rule
The Gilgit Baltistan region was a part of the in the name of the Sikh Durbar and accept the
princely state of Jammu and Kashmir from Lahore Maharaja as suzerain.
1846 to 1947 ruled by the Dogra rulers, when it Military conquest of the area received legal
was annexed by Pakistan during the Pakistani and constitutional validity through the Treaty
Qabbali invasion of J&K shortly after partition. of Lahore (1846) Clause 4 between East India
The territory of present-day Gilgit-Baltistan Company and the Sikh Durbar. This was
became a separate administrative unit of ratified by the Treaty of Amritsar of 1846
Pakistan in 1970 under the name “Northern between the British and Maharaja Gulab
Areas”. This special administrative unit was Singh. The expansionist intentions of Czarist
formed by the amalgamation of the former Russia towards the south and the British
Gilgit Agency, the Baltistan district and several Government’s realisation that they should not
small former princely states including the have handed over Gilgit and Baltistan to the
Hunza and Nagar. Kashmir Maharaja, made it change its policy
In the 19th century by using their military towards this vital region. Suddenly the strategic
might and diplomatic skills, the Dogra rulers of importance of this region dawned upon the