Page 15 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 15


        My Father,

        FEROZ KHAN

        The Qurbani star was charismatic, path-breaking and ahead of the times, writes his
        daughter Laila Khan Furniturewalla

        They say your parents never die. They live            stop him to live his life in his terms. At the age of
        through you and they leave things through you         14 on one hand he was a Quran Hafiz – he could
        and that’s the law of the cycle of life. – Laila      recite Quran and on the other hand he would
        Khan Furniturewalla                                   strut among orthodox Muslims with his cowboy
        My father was a man larger than life. “Be             hat, his toy gun and boots in the lanes of an old
        unapologetic for who you are, do what you             town in Bangalore, where they lived. While his
        want. You want to fall in love at 65? Fall in love,   father wanted him to become a barrister just
        if you want to marry get married. Don’t hide or       like him, my father had stars in his eyes. He
        be apologetic about your life rather be bold and      loved Hollywood and the films made there. He
        make your choices, be upfront about it.” That’s       admired Italian Film directors. His passion for
        the way he would look at life – and age didn’t        cinema got him to Bombay. He arrived with no
        matter, for him age was all about how you feel.       money, contacts, or a godfather; all he had was
        Even in his sixties sometimes he would wear an        the passion of becoming an actor and that was
        earring, his bracelet and he would carry it off.      his destiny. He struggled, worked hard and rest
        According to him every age has to be lived. He        is history.
        was a modern man – the way he sat, smoked his          On set he was a stickler for professionalism.
        cigarette, the kind of clothes he wore that was       He didn’t like people coming late. He was a
        just him.                                             no-nonsense person when it came to work. He
        Coming from an orthodox Muslim family didn’t          expected professionalism that is how he would

                                                                                   SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 4
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