Page 20 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 20

In the 19th century, the Sikh rulers of Kashmir
        had sway over Gilgit area while Baltistan was
        incorporated in Jammu ruler’s territory by
        General Zorawar Singh. However from 1846, all
        territories of Gilgit and Baltistan became part of
        Jammu & Kashmir State.

         From early 20th century, the British
        progressively increased pressure on the
        Kashmir Durbar to hand over strategic territory
        of Gilgit Agency, as the British felt an increasing
                                                              The ancient Khaplu palace in Gilgit-Baltistan. The Dogra rulers
        threat from Czarist Russia which mounted              subjugated the rulers of Khaplu and other regions
        further with the Bolshevik Revolution having          Changing situation
        succeeded.                                            The British, keeping an eye on how the changing
         Maharaja Pratap Singh, thought beholden to           situation due to World War II and the Soviet
        the British for restoration of his full powers in     Union becoming a world power planned
        1922, was able to ward off the final decision.        the future of Gilgit keeping in mind its very
        When Maharaja Hari Singh succeeded him                strategic location.
        in 1925, the British again mounted pressure            Realizing the inevitable – that the British will
        on him. His Government’s efforts to deal              have to give up the Indian sub-continent – plans
        with the serious situation in 1931 and use of         were started early for keeping Gilgit region

        force resulted in the death of 21 people. This        out of Indian control, during the lease period.
        provided the British Viceroy to send handpicked       Road connectivity was upgraded, two airstrips
        Britons to Kashmir. The first to come was             were improved and the telecommunication
        Bertrand Glancy at head of a Commission to            network enlarged. A small force of Gilgit
        inquire into grievances of Moslems against the        Scouts, consisting of a handful of people of
        Maharaja’s Government. Then Mr. Wakefield             Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar and some Baltis, was
        was sent as Minister-in-Waiting and later             formed ostensibly for “internal security” . The
        came Col. Calvin as “Prime Minister”. With            Scouts were trained and officered by British
        these three key officials putting administrative      officers. They were trained to be loyal to the
        pressure on Maharaja Hari Singh and Sheikh            British and to secure their imperial interests.
        Abdullah’s Moslem Conference working on               Before India and Pakistan became independent
        the political front, the Maharaja was squarely        Dominions, the Gilgit lease was terminated
        cornered. Finally he was forced to “agree” to         and 1300 sq. mile territory was handed back
        give Gilgit Agency on long lease to the British       to the Kashmir Durbar on August 1, 1947. The
        Indian Government. On March 26, 1935 by an            British deliberately did not either disband the
        Agreement between Maharaja Hari Singh and             Gilgit Scouts or pull out the British officers –
        Lt. Col. Edward Lang, Resident in Kashmir on          Major William Alexander Brown and Capt.
        behalf of Viceroy and Governor General, Lord          A.S. Matheisan. The Governor appointed by the

        Willingdon, Gilgit territory north of the Indus       Maharaja to administer the Gilgit Agency was
        river was leased out to the British for 60 years.     a Dogra – Brigadier Ghansara Singh. He had
        The Agreement, however, clearly laid down             600 strong scouts and 6th Battalion J&K Rifles
        that the leased territory “shall continue to be       (less 2 companies). The Commander was Lt.
        included in the dominions of His Highness,            Col. Abdul Wajid Khan. Information given by
        the Maharaja of Jammu & Kashmir”. In the              Major General Scott, Chief of Staff of J&K State
        territory, the Maharaja’s flag continued to fly.      Forces, on return from Gilgit on July 30, 1947,
        Baltistan and Astore continued to be under            was that the two British officers of the Gilgit
        Maharaja’s control as hitherto.                       Scouts – Brown and Matheisan – had already

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