Page 22 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 22

all Pakistani Army troops and irregular armed         of India ought, in these circumstances, to be
        forces from occupied territories, failed to even      willing to waive their claim, which has, in any
        make a mention of these areas. It revealed the        event, to be considered afresh.”
        real intent of the Western powers.
         The Indian Government was understandably             The ‘Karachi Agreement’
        upset. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru on             Since the matter of illegal occupation of vast
        August 20, 1948 wrote a detailed letter to            Indian territory in Jammu & Kashmir was
        UNCIP Chairman, seeking explanation ‘for              under discussion in the UN Security Council
        absence of any mention about the problem              and the Ceasefire Line was to be demarcated
        of administration of defence of the large area        on ground, Pakistan Government was unsure
        in the north”. This letter also said that “after      of the status of the Gilgit and Baltistan areas. It
        Pakistani troops and irregulars have withdrawn        devised an unusual political deal. It forced its
        from the territory, the responsibility for the        puppet “Azad Kashmir” Government to sign
        administration of the evacuated areas should          an Agreement to “hand over” this region to it.
        revert to the Government of Jammu & Kashmir           This is known as Karachi Agreement and was
        and for the defence to us…..”.                        signed on April 29, 1949. Federal Government of
         On August 25, 1948, the Chairman of the              Pakistan was represented by Mushtaq Ahmed
        UNCIP, Dr. Josef Korbel wrote back to say,            Gurmani, its Minister without Portfolio. Sardar
        “The Commission wishes me to confirm that,            Mohammed Ibrahim Khan, President of “Azad
        due to peculiar conditions of this area, it did       Kashmir” Government signed for the unknown
        not specifically deal with the military aspect        and unrecognized set-up. Surprisingly another
        of the problem in its resolution of August 13,        signatory was President of All J&K Moslem
        1948. It believes, however, that the question         Conference, Chaudhury Ghulam Abbas.
        raised in your letter could be considered              Through this Agreement, matters handed over
        in the implementation of the Resolution”.             to Pakistan were:
        The Czech member of UNCIP, Dr Chyle, in                •Defence (complete control over AK Forces)
        his minority report to the Security Council            •Foreign policy of Azad Kashmir
        pointedly said, “The situation in the northern         •Negotiations with UNCIP
        areas has meanwhile undergone a material               •Publicity in foreign countries and Pakistan
        change in that the Pakistan Army conquered             •Coordination of arrangements of relief and
        many strategically important places during the        rehabilitation of refugees,
        interval. The Commission is bound to admit             •Coordination of publicity in connection with
        that while the reservation of the Government of       Plebiscites
        India of August 20, 1948 may be legally valid, it      •All activities within Pakistan
        is physically impossible to implement it.”             •All affairs of Gilgit, Ladakh under control of
         The main report of UNCIP to the Security             Political Agent.
        Council did elaborate on the problem of the            It is pertinent to point out that Pakistan did
        northern areas. The observation made by               not consider Gilgit and Baltistan as part of
        the UK Representative on UNCIP is very                Pakistan or even so-called “Azad Kashmir”.
        pertinent. He said “In regard to the northern         Why did Pakistan Government have to make
        areas (i.e. Gilgit and Skardu) my government is       it a tripartite agreement with somebody from
        impressed by the view given on paper 273 of the       a political outfit signing it? It has been claimed
        Commission’s report that the entry of Indian          by Balti nationalists that Sardar Ibrahim Khan
        forces into the areas north of the ceasefire          has neither confirmed nor denied that he ever
        line would almost inevitably lead to renewal          signed such a document. Even the Pakistan
        of hostilities …. it will be remembered that all      Government has been unable to produce the
        the members of the Commission except one              original Agreement. There are doubts persisting
        (i.e. Czechoslovakia) felt that the Government        that if ever such a document was signed at all,

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