Page 19 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 19

Indian establishment.                                 Divested of powers
                                                              Under a diabolical plan, Ranbir Singh’s
        Looking for a foothold                                successor Maharaja Pratap Singh was divested
        From 1852 to 1853 the British Government              of many powers which helped to overcome all
        looked out for an opportunity to get a foothold       resistance against British efforts on the Gilgit
        in this strategic region to safeguard its imperial    front. In 1900, all military administration
        interests. Soon after, there was an uprising          in Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar and Chitral was
        in Gilgit. Maharaja Ranbir Singh, who had             brought under the British control, though the
        succeeded Gulab Singh, dispatched a large             sovereignty of the Kashmir Maharaja was not
        expeditionary force in 1858 which dealt with          questioned. The Chieftains continued to pay
        the uprising to bring peace in the region and         annual tributes to the Kashmiri Maharaja.
        establish order among rival principalities. In         In the meantime the British helped build
        the meantime, the British Government was keen         proper roads from Rawalpindi to Srinagar
        to increase its influence in the area. However        through Jhelum Valley. This was later extended
        the Viceroy in India, Lord Canning, was able          to Gilgit (from Bandipore a 10-foot-wide road
        to persuade Whitehall to desist undermining           was completed in 1893). In 1881 a telegraph line
        the authority of Kashmir Maharajas because            was constructed to connect Dras with Skardu
        of the valuable assistance he had rendered in         and telegraph offices were opened there. In 1885
        overcoming the 1857 Mutiny.                           the Sonmarg to Dras telegraph line was laid.
         For some years the status lasted but                  The undercurrent of adverbial relations
        London was adamant and finally the British            between Pratap Singh and the British Indian
        Government had their way. In 1877 the Gilgit          Government resulted in installation of a British
        Agency was set up and Major Biddulph was              resident at Srinagar. The Gilgit Political Agent
        selected to head it. Sometime later in 1881           was subordinate to him. Though the Maharaja
        when the British managed to get a foothold at         was not dethroned, real power vested with the
        Jalalabad in Afghanistan, the Agent in Gilgit         Resident from 1889 to 1921. But at no stage was
        was withdrawn. Because of increased military          the Gilgit and Baltistan region taken out of the
        activity by Czarist Russia and increasing             domain of the Kashmir Maharaja.
        Afghan interference in Chitral area, the British
        reposted another agent at Gilgit in 1889. Within      The Gilgit Manuscripts
        one year of his posting, the redoubtable Colonel      Gilgit has been from time immemorial, a part
        Durrand successfully brought Hunza and                of the Indian sub-continent. It has been within
        Nagar under his control. Durrand built up             the ambit of its political, religious and cultural
        direct relationship with the local rulers and to      influences. This was established beyond doubt
        that extent cut down the Maharaja’s authority.        by discovery in 1938 of what have become
                                                              known as the Gilgit Manuscripts. This is an
                                                              authentic record of strong Buddhist influences
                                                              in the region from prehistoric times. Recent
                                                              work by German explorers and archeologists
                                                              in collaboration with the Pakistan Government
                                                              has led to the discovery of numerous rock
                                                              engravings and images of Buddha, Bodhisattvas
                                                              and stupas from areas spanning Chitral, Chilas
                                                              and Gilgit right upto Skardu. Gilgit has been
                                                              part of Kashmir State from early times. It
                                                              formed part of the empires of eighth-century
                                                              Kashmir King Lalitaditya Muktapidda and in
                                                              14th century that of Sultan Shabuddin.
        The Karakoram Highway

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