Page 24 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 24

Shigar valley in Skardu. A telegraph line connected Dras with Skardu in 1881
        name of Pakistan Federal Ministry of Kashmir          by Pakistan where restrictions on outsiders
        Affairs was changed into Federal Ministry of          purchasing landed property or securing a
        Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas. To start          government job have been removed. In 1947-48
        with the territory was put under control of and       the Shia population in this region was nearly
        was administered by the Political Agent. Later        90%; it is now reduced to a little under 55%.
        he was designated as Resident Agent. And still         Dissidents within the Northern Areas and
        later, it was changed to Resident Commissioner.       Opposition in POK have alleged frequently that
        Finally it was decided by Pakistan Federal            the Administration has instigated Shia-Sunni
        Government to change it to Administrator.             riots whenever the opposition has raised its
         Since early 1970s the Pakistan Federal               head. There were riots earlier in 1989-90 but
        Government has tried to suppress people’s             they did not get publicity. Since the Kargil war
        movement for fundamental rights on one hand,          of 1999 these have been noticed even outside
        and demand for democratic institutions on             Pakistan because opposition groups in POK and
        the other. A majority of its population of over       Northern Areas have become more bold and
        19 lakh profess the Shia faith. The Federal           articulate.
        Government being unhappy with the majority             The latest issue that is agitating the local
        sect, has made subtle and not-so-subttle efforts      Dards, Baltis and Hanzikuts, is one concerning
        to reduce them into a minority by allowing            construction of series of five big dams on River
        Sunnis from the Army and other provinces to           Indus. All these dams are clubbed under the
        be settled in the Northern Areas. To change the       common name of Basha Dam. And Basha is
        demography of the region as a matter of policy,       a village which is part of Pakistani province
        the Administration has encouraged Pashtuns            of NWFP – not of Northern Areas. The dams
        to settle there. According to Balti nationalists,     were planned some 15 years ago. The then
        over one lakh have already been settled. This         PM of POK, Sardar Abdul Gayoom Khan had
        is the only area out of the occupied territories      demanded in May 1993 that waters of rivers

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