Page 25 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 25
of Northern Areas which will be impounded Over the years the people of Gilgit and
in these dams being natural property of POK, Baltistan had felt disowned and uncared
royalty should be paid for it. To get around this for by people on this side of LOC. There had
problem, the Pakistan Government toyed with been murmurs inside the territory but its
the idea of incorporating this region with the people in rest of Pakistan and abroad used to
NWFP. This plan had to be given up because articulate their disappointment and even anger
of the order of its own Supreme Court which at Kashmiris who had not bothered about
declared Northern Areas to be part of Jammu & them. Even before the Kargil misadventure,
Kashmir occupied with opposition of its people. Gilgit Baltistan Peoples had sent an appeal to
The local population has alleged that they were “our Kashmiri brethren” and to newspapers
not consulted before the National Assembly in Jammu & Kashmir. Many newspapers had
Committee finally recommended that in published this appeal in Urdu in March 1998.
Diamer District of the Northern Areas, the main As late as April 2006, the Hurriyat Conference
dam, 290 m high, be constructed since stiff seemed to have woken up to reality. On April
opposition from NWFP, Baluchistan and Sindh 21, 2006 a newspaper report claimed that the
had forced the Federal Government to abandon APHC had asked Pakistan to desist from laying
the proposed Kalabagh Dam. The Northen claim to Gilgit and Baltistan areas because
Areas opposition had stated that construction of APHC considers this claim “big roadblock in
these dams would submerge over 27000 acres finding a solution of Kashmir issue”.
of land, obliterate 32 villages and displace over In 2009, Asif Ali Zardari signed a self-
30,000 persons. Gone forever would be the governance order and the area was granted
bustling city of Skardu and the ancient town of limited autonomy and renamed Gilgit-Baltistan.
Chilas. Perhaps Pakistan also wants to wipe out However, the real power rests with the governor
traces of the Hindu and Buddhist heritage of and not with chief minister or elected assembly.
the area, including chortans and stupas in ruin, Over the years the Pakistani government has
engravings on rocks of Buddha, Bodhisatvas rejected Gilgit-Baltistani calls for integration
and many symbols of Buddhist faith and Hindu within Pakistan as the 5th. Province on the
rituals. grounds that it would jeopardise its demands
for the whole Kashmir issue to be resolved
Objection to dam according to UN resolution.
We, in India, claim that all areas of Jammu
A week before the foundation of the dam was & Kashmir illegally and forcibly occupied by
laid by Gen Musharraf in April 2006, the Indian Pakistan are legally and constitutionally part of
Government objected to its construction on the Indian Union. Then it follows that residents
territory which was legally and constitutionally of those areas are Indian citizens. It therefore
part of Jammu & Kashmir State before Pakistan becomes the responsibility of the Indian
forcibly occupied it. Earlier in 1974, Syed Mir Government to protect their interest and to
Qasim, Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir had ensure that they enjoy all rights that are enjoyed
made a detailed “statement of facts” on Gilgit by their compatriots living on this side of the
and Baltistan in J&K Legislative Assembly on Line of Control.
28th September demolishing Pakistan claim.
On September 25, 1974, the Indian Government
denounced merger of Principality of Humza
into the “Northern Areas of Pakistan”, which
Prime Minister Z.A. Bhutto had made a day
earlier in Pakistan National Assembly. In 1969
when Sino-Pak Karakoram Highway was
thrown open for traffic, India had lodged its
formal protest, which Pakistan brushed aside. The junction of the Karakoram, Hindu Kush & Himalayan Ranges
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 4