Page 32 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 32
back to Daughter 2 in Delhi. he was hearing, and was in a total state of shock.
From the station Pitaji sent a postcard to Rama At the chautha, Daughter 3 the youngest sister
“My dear Rama, I want to come home to you and handed over an envelope that contained Pitaji’s
spend the rest of my life with you in Bombay. will.
Bihari Lal.” All through these months Pitaji Inder took a late night flight and returned to
hardly spoke to Inder and Rama, once a month Bombay totally shattered, having lost his father
there was a call to say that he was well. On and the family property at the same time.
receiving this postcard Rama decided that she After a month Rama went back to Delhi and
would go to Delhi and bring Pitaji back. with her sister’s help who worked in the same
Surprise visit bank, branch where Pitaji’s bank accounts were,
Without informing Daughter 2 Rama landed got the copy of his bank statements.
up at her house. Found Pitaji lying on the bed Rs. 32 lakh was deposited in Pitaji’s account and
looking very frail, having lost a lot of weight, the next day Rs. 10 lakh was transferred to each
his voice and hands trembling, the room of his daughters, Rs 20,000 to his sister and the
smelling of urine and all his soiled clothes in balance Rs 2.5 lakh was withdrawn by Daughter
one corner unwashed for the last two days. Just 2 towards Pitaji’s expenses and also his pension
then Daughter 2’s husband entered the room was used by her towards his upkeep.
and started shouting at Rama and had a show Secret sale
down with her. Asked her to leave his house The next day Rama went to visit Chachiji,
immediately and that Pitaji was not going back Sardari Lal’s wife who told her that this entire
to Bombay. While leaving Daughter 2’s house, transaction was done in May in utmost secrecy
her son Montu met Rama on the ground floor and she too was informed only on the morning
and she showed him Pitaji’s postcard. of the sale, Pitaji had sunstroke which made him
Rama decided that Inder would have to come to weak, but his health did not deter his daughters
Delhi and bring Pitaji back to Bombay. Two days from wanting to complete the sale immediately.
after reaching Bombay she got a calling that They did not want Inder and Rama to know
Pitaji had got pneumonia and was admitted to because Inder would not have sold the property
the hospital. Montu was on the line and wanted and neither did they want to give Inder a share
to know how to pay the hospital expenses. Rama in the sale proceeds. Chachiji also told Rama
was shocked and blurted out that she would ask that Pitaji had lost his mind; so much so that he
her sister to deposit the money for the hospital. took time to recognise Chachiji and her son.
The next morning Montu called up again and From April till February Pitaji had moved six
said Pitaji passed away last night a little after times from one house to the other.
midnight. There is a saying in rustic Punjabi
Rama called her husband’s shipping company “Behen ke ghar, bhai kutta;
who informed Inder and arrangements were Saas ke ghar, jawai kutta;
made to bring Inder back to India. Inder’s Naane ke ghar, dotta kutta;
program was conveyed to Daughter 2 and Magar in sabse bada kutta;
the body was shifted to Nigambodh Ghat the Ik baap jo jeete-jee apni saari jaaidaad bacchon
cremation ground. Inder broke down on seeing de naam likh deta”
his dad and completed the rituals of cremation
after which it was announced to the gathering (A brother is a dog in his sister’s house; a son-in-
that the Chautha would be the next day at the law is a dog in his mother-in-laws house; and a
Aryasamaj mandir. Inder asked his sisters why grandson is a dog in his maternal grandfather’s
don’t we do it at home and clean up the place house, but of all these the biggest dog is the
when Daughter 3 sheepishly told him that Pitaji father who in his lifetime gives away all his
had sold the Daryaganj property in May. Inder wealth to his children.)
was totally devastated, unable to believe what (Names changed to protect identities.)