Page 37 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 37

Management Team (including Fund                       Ensure that there is no material overlapping
        Manager)                                              of stocks & sectoral allocation between
        Avoid AMCs undergoing any major corporate             multiple funds that forms part of an investor’s
        restructuring or witnessing major staff               portfolio. Overlapping will not help in adequate
        turnover, especially for critical positions.          diversification, in spite of investing in more than
        Always prefer funds from stable management.           one fund offered by different AMCs.
        Avoid AMCs where only a couple of funds
        are performing well and are managed by a              Expense Ratios
        sole star fund manager. As seen often in past,        Expense ratios should be closer to the median
        performance of funds suffer with the exit of          averages rather than extreme ends of the
        such star fund managers.                              range. Similarly, expense ratios should show a
                                                              declining trend as the asset size increases.
        Consistent Performance                                Ongoing Review of Portfolio
        It is important to check the performance of the       Just like physical fitness needs continues
        fund over a period of three years, five years and     evaluation of the body, similarly it is extremely
        a since-inception basis. It will highlight the        important to review your MF portfolio at
        funds’ performance across different phases of         defined intervals (ideally on a quarterly basis).
        the market. A consistent performance over the         This is perhaps one of the most neglected
        long term is preferred to funds generating short-     activities in the journey of wealth creation
        term returns in spurts.                               and hence does not lead to desired results. An
                                                              investor should actively review the MF portfolio
        Size of the Fund / Assets Under Management            at defined intervals to reconfirm that the thesis
        (AUM)                                                 basis which the original investment was made
        Avoid smaller funds, especially in case of debt       holds good. If there is material change to the
        funds with AUM less than INR 500 crores. The          thesis and it remains consistent over a period of
        exit of any big investor out of such MF scheme        time (say 3-4 quarters), one should evaluate to
        may impact its overall performance.                   exit the MF scheme. If the thesis remains intact
        Avoid funds with very high AUM, especially if         and yet the fund underperforms over couple of
        they are not in the large cap category.               quarters, one should stay put.

        Portfolio Composition & Diversification               Role of Advisor
                                                              One of the most common reasons for
                                                              inadequate due-diligence of funds at the time
                                                              of MF selection or review of portfolio is lack
                                                              of time / activity being a non-core activity
                                                              for the investor’s routine. In such a case, it is
                                                              recommended to connect with a good advisor
                                                              who clearly understands the true meaning
                                                              of wealth creation. In one of the analysis
                                                              conducted by Vanguard, the world’s largest
                                                              asset managers, it was found that an advisor
                                                              managed portfolio can add about 3% annual
                                                              returns to the client’s overall portfolio. An
                                                              advisor, who follows an uncomplicated and
                                                              transparent approach of investing along the
                                                              lines narrated above, can immensely contribute
                                                              in your story of riches and fortune.
        A reliable fund manager is essential to avoid getting   Happy Investing!
                                                                                   SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 4
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