Page 34 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 34


         How to make a Will

        It is agreed that making a Will is important – but how do you go about it?
        Sonavi Kher Desai has some answers

        A Will is a testamentary document voluntarily         executors who will carry out the instructions of
        made by an adult of sound mind in his/her             the testator stated in the Will.
        lifetime, giving instructions about how his/her       While a lawyer may be consulted to draft a Will,
        property should be distributed and/or managed         a simple, straightforward Will can be drafted by
        after death. Here are some frequently asked           the testator himself/herself.
        questions relating to a Will.
                                                              Does a Will have to be written on stamp
        Can any person write their own Will or do             paper or any other special paper?
        they need a lawyer?                                   No. A Will can be written on any paper. It is
        Anyone can write their own Will. However, you         recommended that you use a good quality,
        must ensure that you follow certain rules. A          durable paper.
        Will must clearly identify the person making it
        (testator), adequately describe the property of
        the person, and who the property is to be given
        to, either by way of a complete transfer or partial
        interest for life or use. A Will may also establish
        a trust for the property with trustees and
        beneficiaries named. It must be signed by the
        testator in the presence of two adult witnesses
        who witness the same by signing the Will and
        stating that it is signed by the testator in their
        presence, stating the date and place. Witnesses
        need not read the Will. A Will may name the           You can consult a lawyer, or also draft your Will yourself

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