Page 36 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 36


        The feeling is mutual

        Mutual funds can play a vital role in investment planning, at any stage,
        writes Deepak Gagrani

        Thanks to the efforts of market players (Asset        benchmarks in short term.
        Managers, AMFI & Advisors), there is an                Wealth Creation is a long-term activity, where
        increase in awareness amongst investors that          one invests in growth assets and continues to
        Mutual Funds (MFs) can play a vital role to           stay put till the time the investment thesis is
        help them plan their investments at any stage         broken. It ignores short-term volatilities; in
        of the life cycle. The tagline of ‘Mutual Funds       fact promotes increasing exposure at times of
        Sahi Hain’ has been able to bring in the right        fear, assuming original rationale of investments
        connect with investors. MFs play an even more         remains good.
        important role for elderly investors, as they          An investor’s time horizon and intended end
        offer professional management of funds at             use of money will decide on the approach to be
        lower costs, thereby allowing them to passively       adopted. If the time horizon is long typically
        manage their investments.                             in excess of 5-7 years and money is not needed
         However, a common investor still continues           in intermediate period, one can look at wealth
        to struggle on how to effectively use MFs for         creating strategies as against focusing on wealth
        their financial planning. While SEBI has been         managing tools.
        working tirelessly to simplify the nature of
        Mutual Funds, there is still some distance to         Choose the Right Mutual Fund
        be covered for a common investor to be able to         Selecting a right MF is of utmost importance.
        comprehend ‘Kaunsa Mutual Fund Sahi Hai’.             Selection lapses can derail the entire financial
        Presented below are some important factors            journey. With more than 2000 MF schemes
        which should help set the right recipe for            offered by 42 AMCs, selecting a mutual fund
        building an appropriate Mutual Fund portfolio         may seem like a daunting task. A typical
        according to their goals and objectives.              shopping of MFs is based on the most obvious
                                                              factors such as higher past returns, popular
        Wealth Creation v/s Wealth Management                 brand and higher star rating. Typically MF
        While both the terms are interchangeably used,        rankings focus on past performance for few
        there is a material difference between both the       quarters, hence keeps changing frequently.
        concepts. Understanding the core difference can        One should remember that one cannot control
        help achieve the desired objectives in a seamless     returns. However, one can control the process
        manner.                                               adopted to select the right MF. Choosing
         Wealth Management is essentially an activity         an appropriate MF requires focusing on a
        that focuses on preservation of capital and           combination of multiple parameters jointly,
        generating returns to exceed the relevant             summarised as follows.

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