Page 40 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 40


        How to eat wisely

        this Diwali

        With festival goodies tempting you at every step, some tips on enjoying them with
        care from dietitian Indrayani Pawar

         Diwali is just a couple of days away. The            proteins, essential fats and good amount of fiber.
        countdown has begun, and we cannot contain             In India, seniors tend to abide strictly by their
        our excitement. While we are all loving the           religious beliefs, and this is also an important
        festive vibe and the feasting that is to follow in    aspect which influences their dietary habits and
        these couple of days, one cannot also deny the        health. For example, during festive seasons, they
        impact that it can have on our health soon after.     fast or stick to only certain groups of foods. This
        Wise choices, portion control and moderation          could make them deficient in certain nutrients
        can help ensure that you eat healthy this festive     and also certain vitamins and minerals, which
        season.                                               has an adverse effect on health. For instance,
         Here is some yummy advice that will make             during fasting, they include a lot of “fasting
        your life a little bit easier if you’re on a diet,    snacks” made with sabudana, potatoes, peanuts,
        without making you miss out on any festivities.       etc. which could affect their blood sugar levels
         The basics of geriatric nutrition need to be         in a wrong manner, or sometimes they stick
        followed, as with age one’s digestive system          to having only one meal, which could lead to
        slows down, lifestyle becomes sedentary,              further weakness.
        and there are also issues with regards to
        chewing. So basically a lot of physiologic and        Useful hints
        psychological parameters influences the diet          During festive seasons, the following are some
        in seniors. The basic geriatric diet (unless there    general tips that seniors need to follow to avoid
        is no underlying comorbidity), should be a            any health issues:
        well-balanced diet. It should be well-balanced         •Maintain meal timings.
        with the inclusion of complex carbohydrates,           •Include whole fruits (thin slice or grated if

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