Page 22 - Seniors Today Dec 2019
P. 22
choking hazards. Other causes of sudden onset
of cough in younger population revolve around
infections of the nose, throat or tonsils.
Old age problems
Old age brings lower immunity and a higher
risk of infections. All elderly should receive
adult vaccinations. I know that my elderly
grandparents and parents do take it and so do I.
Seasonal influenza and Pneumococcal vaccines
are highly recommended because they happen
to be the most frequent reasons for respiratory
Indoor and outdoor air pollution is increasing Increasing air pollution is a significant cause of chronic cough
and it often results in bronchitis which usually complain of sudden onset of cough
leaves the insides of our lungs inflamed and immediately or a few hours after lying down
constricted making us choke every second. With and the need to rush to the window to get
bronchitis comes the cough and breathlessness. fresh air. This occurs due to redistribution of
Keeping our indoors clean, clutter free and fluids from the bottom of the lungs to the top.
avoiding use of aerosols helps. Early treatment Treatment of this revolves around restriction
of bronchitis helps prevent prolonged on the amount of fluids we drink and increased
sufferings. urination. Other signs of heart failure include
Lung fibrosis is usually seen in older persons. swelling in the feet and legs.
The lungs get scarred and the process is usually The elderly often have more than one illness,
irreversible. The scarred lung causes one to have and high blood pressure and heart diseases are
a dry cough lasting several weeks or months common. A set of blood pressure medicines
or even years. An expert usually can help you called ace inhibitors can result in a very nagging
navigate life through this complex disease. cough in some patients, if not all, and it is useful
to let your doctor know what medicines you are
Various conditions taking each day.
In the elderly a new onset of cough should often
send us looking for signs of pneumonia and Acid refux
more importantly an entity called aspiration Another very common and often overlooked
pneumonia. This is a common cause of cause is acid reflux or acidity as we commonly
pneumonia where contents of the stomach and know it. Acid returning upwards into your
or intestines are inhaled into the lungs. Due to throat from the stomach often drips into the
lowering of the guard and weakness of the neck lungs. This results in a long-standing cough.
muscles, often elderly have small quantities of It is often a very difficult diagnosis to prove,
stomach contents going into the lung. Patients but trials with acid-reducing medications and
with a history of stroke or muscle paralysis lifestyle changes often result in reduction of the
often have this type of pneumonia causing symptoms.
cough. Alcoholics too are guilty of the same. With so many causes of cough known our old
Some elderly may have inhalation of small habit of grabbing for that cough syrup which
objects like food particles and even tooth or a friend of a friend was prescribed by a cousin
loose dentures. who is a doctor in another town will not help.
Heart failure is a condition where the lungs At the first instance set out to a doctor for
fill up with fluids either in the lung or around identification of the cause of your cough and
it. This results in sleepless nights as this cough have appropriate treatment. Self-care is indeed
tends to increase on lying down. Patients the best care!