Page 3 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 3

Publisher’s Note

                                   It’s never too late to set

                                self-enhancing boundaries

         Many parents have had to face this question: what   now and in the future. Is this a loan that will be
         do you do when your grown-up children ask for     repaid or is this a one time gift, understanding and
         financial assistance? It could be a challenging   establishing this clearly from the beginning, will
         situation. However, by approaching it with        help avoid any misunderstandings and potential
         empathy, setting boundaries, and maintaining a    resentments down the line.
         transparent communication, we can discuss this      Remember saying NO doesn’t mean that we love
         while safeguarding our own financial stability.   our children any less. It is absolutely okay to say
         While it is important to support our children,    NO. At this point, you must also understand that
         we must prioritise our own financial well-being   as long as you are not dependent on your children,
         as seniors. By taking proactive steps to secure   the relationship will be smooth. However, if you
         yourself financially you can ensure a comfortable   were to loan them money and expect that they
         and worry-free requirement.                       would take care of you, that would be an unrealistic
          Before committing to providing financial         expectation, which could lead to unpleasantness
         support, it is crucial to evaluate your own financial   and heartburn.
         situation, take a close look at your income,        Children can take money and forget about it very
         expenses and saving to determine how much can     quickly. The answer is that if you have money to
         you comfortably afford to contribute consider     spare then give it to them when they need it. That
         the long-term implication of providing ongoing    would be a win-win situation for both.
         financial support, will it impact your retirement
         plans or your ability to meet your own financial
         goals. It is essential to be honest with yourself   Vickram Sethi
         about what you can realistically afford both      Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #58 | APRIL 2024                                                              3
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