Page 6 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 6

Cover Story

         Damned If You Give,

         Damned If You Don’t

         Money is an important cause of abuse by children who want to usurp their

         parent’s property and the law is possibly the only recourse for senior
         citizens, writes Vickram Sethi

         What do you do when your grown-up                 plans. Our society is such that the role of
         children ask you for money? Before you            being a parent never ends. One is forever
         give them an answer you have to consider          helping our children navigate their journey
         your own ability to provide this financial        of life. Once you understand whether
         support. It is crucial to evaluate your own       they’re looking for a loan that will be repaid
         situation, take a close look at your income,      or is it a one-time gift, make an impartial
         expenses and savings to determine how             assessment of your children’s track record.
         much you can comfortably afford to give.          How careful are they with money, why do
         Will it impact your retirement plans,             they need the money, can they do without
         your ability to meet your own financial           it. Dive deep into their request and find
         requirements? It is essential to be honest to     out how genuine the requirement is, or is
         yourself about what you can realistically         it simply a ploy to get money out of you.
         afford both now and in the future. When           Every situation can be different.
         your grown-up children ask you for                  It’s okay to say NO, don’t have any
         financial assistance it can be a difficult        guilt pangs, if giving financial aid would
         situation.                                        jeopardise your own finances. It’s crucial
          In India, we don’t have social security and      that you have a realistic understanding of
         we are dependent on our savings and other         your savings, retirement funds, monthly

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