Page 7 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 7
expenses, medical cost, travel and leisure with some land and a gate. Her brother
requirements. At this point, it has to had ensured that she would be adequately
be understood that as long as you are provided for. Rekha was a simple illiterate
not dependent on your kids, life will be woman. Who worked in people’s homes
smooth. However, if you were to loan and made a living. Her brother had kept
them money and then expect that they the property papers in a Bank locker on her
would take care of you, that may be an name. Time went by her son grew up and
unrealistic expectation and could lead to was married. He also had a child and after
unpleasantness and heartburn. a few years they decided to go to Haridwar
for the kumbh.
Image courtesy – National Geographic
Children can also be a cause of anguish
and pain. Nothing is more damaging than
living with a manipulating emotional and
abusive child, who strips away your self The son and daughter in law abandoned
esteem and blames you for everything Rekha in Haridwar and left without her.
that goes wrong in his life. Property and Fortunately for Rekha, a ladies group who
money are an important cause of abuse by were aware of such problems of old parents
children who want to usurp their parent’s being abandoned by their children. Took
property, and sometimes the law is the charge of Rekha and brought her back to
only recourse for senior citizens. the little town of Bandha in Uttar Pradesh.
Many seniors are unsure about what to Rekha knew that her son and daughter in
do in such a situation. The embracement law had abandoned her with determination
and the emotional trauma of proceeding and help from the community. She threw
against their own child plus the typical them out of the house (Circa 1972).
Indian question, “what will people say”. Indubhai ran a small photocopy shop
Often prevents parents from taking a where he also sold School stationery and
drastic step such as a complaint to the supplies in the small town of Panvel off
police station. the Bombay Poona highway. Business
was from school children who brought
Here are five true stories notes to be photocopied. There wasn’t
Rekha was a widow, her husband was much income, but he made a living out
a soldier who had died in the War. of selling school supplies. Unfortunately
Rekha received compensation from the Indubhai’s brother-in-law fell ill and the
Government and with that money her husband and wife moved to Bombay to
brothers brought her a two room house look after their brother-in-law. Schools
with a courtyard inside and a veranda were just reopening in June and this was