Page 8 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 8

a busy season. They left their shop in the         she could do. The son was an engineer in a
         care of their son who also had a similar           multinational company. Sumati reported
         shop in another locality. The son within           the matter to the police. The local papers
         fifteen days sold his father’s shop and also       carried the story but nothing ever came
         his own and disappeared. Only after a few          out of it. The son left Poona and moved to
         days a neighbour who came to Bombay                another city. The matter died its natural
         met Indubhai and informed him what had             death. Sumati eventually sold her house
         happened. Indubhai had purchased the               and went to live in an old person’s home.
         shop in sons name and there was nothing            (Circa 1987).
         that he could do (Circa 1980).                      Vinod and his wife Sushila had fixed
          In another similar case Surajkumar had            deposits in a bank, amounting to one and
         bought a four room flat on the outskirts of        half crores. They were kept securely locked
         Delhi. Surajkumar had one son and two              in their cupboard in the flat owned by them
         daughters. All the children were married           where they lived with their son, daughter-
         and husband and wife decided to go to              in-law, and grandchild. A few years ago,
         Vaishnavdevi for a pilgrimage with a               the couple decided to travel abroad and
         group of friends. There was an accident            went on a two-week holiday. When they
         and Surajkumar passed away. Once the               returned they found that their cupboard
         rituals connected with death were over,            had been opened and that the fixed deposit
         his son moved the mother into the kitchen          certificates and some other important
         along with her belongings. She was made            documents had been stolen. Vinod was the
         to sleep in the veranda, despite a protest by      owner of a small manufacturing business
         the sisters there was nothing anyone could         and this money made up the couple’s
         do. The old lady lived the life of a maid.         life savings. On finding the certificates
         (Circa 1980).                                      missing, he immediately asked his son
                                                          Image courtesy – Business Outlook India  he did not know anything about it. The
                                                            Ramesh if he had any knowledge of the
                                                            missing documents. Ramesh claimed that

                                                            couple then went to the bank to make
                                                            inquiries. The bank manager informed
                                                            them that their son and daughter-in-law
                                                            had produced the signed FD receipts and

                                                            to the personal accounts of Ramesh and
          Sumati after her husband’s death went             cashed them. The money was then credited
                                                            Anita. The senior couple realized that their
         to spend a few days with her sister from           son had forged their signatures and stolen
         Poona to Mahableshwar. In her absence              the money.
         her son entered the house, stole her
         jewelry, encashed her fixed deposits
         and even transferred money from her
         husband’s account into his. Sumati
         unfortunately had left two signed cheques
         in her almirah. There was just nothing that

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