Page 17 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 17
detrimental to say the least. If you feel like person determine your severity of moods,
you suffer from depression, do seek help. thoughts and manifestations of depression.
It’s essential to take depression symptoms
Misconception #2: Depression is a sign seriously, regardless of how it may appear
of weakness outwardly.
Depression can affect anyone, irrespective
of your strength and it is most definitely Misconception #5: It’s all in your head
not a sign of weakness. Some of the biggest Depression isn’t in your head, it is a
boxers and athletes in the world have been genuine medical condition that involves
brought to their knees by depression. It’s your brain chemistry, functioning of your
a biological and psychological condition brain and your hormones. It presents as
that has been stigmatized by society. symptoms ranging from physical ailments
Depression does not discriminate, and to emotional distress. It is a complex
nobody chooses to be depressed. Seeking disorder that requires treatment.
mental health support is essential, you
don’t have to manage it alone. Misconception #6: You can simply ‘snap
out of it’
Misconception #3: Depression is just Depression is not a choice. Depression can
being sad and crying not be overcome with positive thoughts
Depression is much more than temporary alone. It’s a medical condition influenced
sadness. It manefests as a whole host of by your brain chemistry and requires
symptoms like insomnia, hopelessness, proper treatment and support. Trying
lack of motivation and even thoughts of to handle it alone won’t suffice. It’s not
suicide. Being depressed doesn’t only something you can snap out of. It takes
mean that you’re sad or that you cry. It work and professional intervention to get
is far more complex than that. It can’t be through it.
shaken off on its own. In some cases if you
do suffer from depression you don’t always
cry or show dramatic signs. Untreated
depression hinders living a fulfilling life,
not only does it affect you but it affects the
people around you as well.
Misconception #4: Depression “looks” a
certain way
Depression can be hidden and not always
evident. You might appear functional and Misconception #7: Depression only
happy on the outside but broken on the affects women
inside. It doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all Depression affects both men and women,
look or experience when it comes to being but societal pressures often discourage
diagnosed with depression, it varies from men from discussing their feelings
person to person. The physical differences or seeking help, leading to serious
in the brain and hormonal changes in each consequences such as higher suicide rates