Page 32 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 32
spare key that she always had, but rarely
used. After all, there is nothing to beat
being greeted by Rebecca’s warm smile.
Ritika headed straight to Rebecca’s room.
She seemed in bliss and at peace, as streaks
of the warm sun rays sprayed on her lovely
visage. Ritika patted Rebecca slightly on
her cheeks to wake her up, only to feel it
very cold. Shocked, Ritika bent closer to
be recorded and tracked. Rebecca then her nose only to notice that there was no
called it a day and retired to her bedroom breath nor any pulse. Rebecca had made
for the night. the final exit from her home and hearts that
The next day, Ritika came to the bungalow she so warmly occupied for 80 years. The
at 8 am as usual. She noticed that the half empty sleeping pills bottle had been
newspaper and the milk pouch were still kind to her. The note on the side table had
lying out. A bit puzzled, she rang the an emotive story to tell.
doorbell. Normally, Rebecca would open Rebecca had left 50% of her estate to
the door within two or three rings, to let Ritika, 40% to her brother and 10% to
her in. Thinking that Rebecca might have charity. Ritika was more than a family to
overslept, Ritika opened the door using the Rebecca; she was hearth in a home.