Page 31 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 31

her marriage, Ritika lost her husband in
         a freak train accident. Strong minded that
         she was, Ritika accepted her lot and soon
         quit her low paying municipal job and tied
         up with a med-care outsourcing platform
         to get regular nursing assignments at high
         daily rates. This enabled her to take care of
         her spastic child to good extent.
          A few years later, Rebecca, given her
         failing health, had reached out to Ritika
         and convinced her to come over to her place        these past few years. It was a redux of what
         regularly to tend to her needs. Ritika could       Ritika’s parents had done for her own
         not say no to her, given their long standing       parents during their last phase of life. Here
         relationship, but was hesitant to talk about       was Ritika, a person of meagre means, but a
         the charges for the nursing care. After all,       heart so generous and a will so redoubtable.
         she was dependent on a decent source of            Rebecca’s brother, though living in
         income to take care of her own dependent           the US for decades, was very aware of
         daughter. Rebecca sensed this and assured          Ritika’s parents and her own service and
         Ritika that she will be well compensated           contribution to the D’Sa family, his parents
         and need not worry.                                and Rebecca, over the years and the strong
                                                            bond and mutual respect that developed as
                                                            a result.
                                                             As another day passed, at 8 pm, as was
                                                            customary, Ritika bade goodbye to Rebecca
                                                            for the night and left the bungalow along
                                                            with her daughter. Rebecca called her
                                                            brother in Washington, as she would
                                                            often and had an unusually longish and
                                                            sentimental chat with him, talking about
                                                            everything connecting them, past and
          A failing health, the constant dependency         present. Her brother’s annual visit to
         and curtailment of activities soon took its        Mumbai was just about a few months
         toll on Rebecca’s fortitude and courage            later to coincide with her 80th birthday
         to face life on her terms. Every day was           on Christmas. Yes, she always felt good
         a challenge for Rebecca and she was                that she had birthed on the same day as
         increasingly finding it difficult to cope          the Lord. She then spoke to her chartered
         with the constant pain and discomfort              accountant and lawyer to discuss her estate
         of her ailment. It was this situation that         and holdings and her will. Rebecca had
         Rebecca was ruing as she sat sipping               always been methodical in these aspects.
         her morning tea. The warm sunrise rays             Since she has been ailing for long and lived
         buoyed her spirits and she was ever                alone, Rebecca had put in place an auto-
         thankful that Ritika has been so lovingly          recording system as well as a CCTV so that
         and compassionately taking care of her             all her conversations and movements can

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #50 | AUGUST 2023                                                             29
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