Page 29 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 29

Alaimentary – A Story of a Tale – 5

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         Hearth in a Home

         Ritika and her parents’ service and contribution to the D’Sa family was priceless
         and Rebecca nurtured the strong bond and mutual respect that developed as a
         result, writes Nagesh Alai 

         Rebecca D’Sa, nudging 80, as graceful and          her senses were tall buildings abutting her
         beautiful as ever, was quietly sipping her         bungalow. All the neighbouring families
         morning tea, sitting in the veranda of her         had given up their bungalows due to
         elegant, but modest bungalow of decades,           economic constraints and challenges of
         nestled  in a quiet by lane of Bandra, aptly       maintaining large houses.
         carrying the sobriquet, the Queen of the            Rebecca hailed from a well-to-do family
         Suburb. She was wistfully looking at the           and had the best of upbringing and
         well preserved family albums, containing           education. Her parents had sent her and
         hundreds of pics of her growing up days,           her brother to the best of the schools
         her parents and grandparents and  brother          and colleges and post graduate doctoral
         and cousins, various occasions and                 programs in London School of Economics.
         functions and ceremonies, vistas of the old        They had a rock solid foundation and
         Bandra with beautiful villas surrounding           it reflected in their demeanour, both
         her home and the ineffable charm of the old,       personally and professionally. While her
         now giving way to reckless redevelopment.          brother chose to continue his professional
         In place of coconut and palm trees that were       pursuits in London and later migrated
         gently swaying all around her in the long          to the US permanently, Rebecca chose
         past, all she could espy today and assault         to return to India and make her career.

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